Session 1

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I walk into the chilly, musty room. There's a sofa type object where I see someone laying, I assume this is him. I sit in the chair a few feet away from him.

"Hello!" I say excitedly. 

"Hello to you to." He says.

His voice is very, well, I can't explain it. It's like a kid before puberty and after puberty all at the same time. That's the best way I can explain it.

"I'm Dr. Harleen Quinzel." I say confidently.

"Hmm, that's sounds familiar. I could rework it into Harley Quinn." He says.

"Like the clown character Harleyquinn?" I speak annoyed.

"Yep, that's the one it sure does put a smile on my face. Someone I can relate too, and tell all my secret too." He says.

"Secrets? Like what?" I say.

I'm excited! I'm ready for anything and everything!

"My father used to beat me up as a child...." He says.

Except for that, I wasn't ready for that.

"He would punch me, kick me, everything. There's only one time I've ever seen him really happy. He took me to a circus. I still remember the clowns pulling down there pants. My old man laughed so hard I thought he bust a gut! The very next night I ran up to meet him with my pants around my ankles. HI DAD LOOK AT ME! I said. Zwop I tore the crotch clean out of his pants!" He says cracking up.

I started laughing hysterically that was hilarious I bet his father loved it! I was laughing so hard I was crying. We were laughing for at least a minute until he said,

"...and then he broke my nose."

My tears and laughing stopped just like that, why did his father break his nose! That was so cruel, he was just trying to be funny! 

"But hey, that's the downside of comedy, you're always taking shots from the folks who don't get the joke. Like my dad, OH THAT MAN!" He says.

He talk for a little longer until the session was over. I was already breaking into his secrets. It should be easy and fun to help him! 

"He was just a tortured soul who was always beat of from that dumb, jerk Batman! He just wanted to be loved and accepted. He just wants to make everyone laugh! AND THEN that self righteous Batman always has to ruin his jokes! He's determined to make his life miserable for my angel! Yes, as unprofessional as it sounds... I've fallen in love with my patient. Pretty crazy, huh?" I say.

"Not at all.  As a dedicated, career oriented woman you felt the need to obtain from all amusement and fun it's only natural to you'd be attracted to a man who could make you laugh again." He says.

"I knew you'd understand!" I say happily!

"Anytime." He said.

The session is over and I return to my office, that gosh darn Batman hurt him later in the week. I will always try to protect him but it might not always work. I pack up my files and leave my office.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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