Chapter 28

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SmileyxLoner: life da movie we da characters

Red_Parents: if life is a movie and we are the characters then who's watching the movie

SmileyxLoner: good question

Red_Painter: the beast in me got a little excited at the prospect of someone watching

SmileyxLoner: if someone is watching what would they think of this movie

Red_Painter: it's a mess

SmileyxLoner: 😂👌🏼 true

Red_Painter: the characters are what make it messed up though 😒

SmileyxLoner: I hate humans

Red_Painter: a thing we have in common

SmileyxLoner: I'm sure we have more

Red_Painter: I'm pretty sure we don't

SmileyxLoner: I'm sure we do sweetie 😏😏😏😏

Red_Painter: FACK

SmileyxLoner: 😂😂😂 I'm beginning to seriously love that word

Red_Painter: I always knew you loved that word

SmileyxLoner: 😔👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Red_Painter: I need to go gotta take my meds

SmileyxLoner: why do you need meds

Red_Painter: Depression

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