Chapter 14

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SmileyxLoner: I am a loner

Red_Painter: I am a painter

SmileyxLoner: it's been a while

Red_Painter: I guess so

SmileyxLoner: how's life

Red_Painter: I don't know

SmileyxLoner: I work as a waitress at this restaurant and today was hard work, my feet are killing me 😪

Red_Painter: meh

SmileyxLoner: some guy kept hitting on me and it was really hard telling him I wasn't interested 😩

Red_Painter: I can kill him if you want 😏

SmileyxLoner: NO

Red_Painter: well I tried

SmileyxLoner: I probably won't see him again

Red_Painter: 😒

SmileyxLoner: 😝

Red_Painter: 😑😑😑😑

SmileyxLoner: can we play 20 questions

Red_Painter: no

SmileyxLoner: please

Red_Painter: no

SmileyxLoner: please with a cherry on top

Red_Painter: fine, but I can refuse to answer your questions if I want to

SmileyxLoner: and I can do the same

Red_Painter: ok

SmileyxLoner: what's your favourite colour

Red_Painter: that's pretty obvious its in my name

SmileyxLoner: I feel stupid now

Red_Painter: what's your favourite food

SmileyxLoner: Pizza, what's your favourite animal

Red_Painter: snow leopard, if you could be Jeffrey Dahmer for a day would you

SmileyxLoner: no, sorry but I don't want to be a cannibal

Red_Painter: you know humans taste like chicken or pork according to cannibals, they really can't decide

SmileyxLoner: 😖

Red_Painter: I've met a few 😏

SmileyxLoner: good thing they didn't eat you then

Red_Painter: they were how do you say it........ Nice

SmileyxLoner: I worry for you

Red_Painter: you really shouldn't

SmileyxLoner: 😌 I do

Red_Painter: no one cares about the beast

Red_Painter is offline

SmileyxLoner: your not a beast

SmileyxLoner: crazy as it might sound to you Red I care about you

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