The Breakfast Club

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"Sure what movie?" I asked Pete.

"I don't know any. What about Netflix?" Pete responded.

"How do you not have any movies?" I asked Pete shocked.

"I don't know, i feel like ill have no use for them."

"Dude, in my old room i had a book shelf full of books and movies and thats it."


"Yea, lets go get one." I stood up from the bed and held out my hand for Pete to take. He took it and got out of bed.

"Really?" Pete asked again.

"Yea. I'm driving. So lets go."


I went in my closet and took out the black converse from yesterday and slipped those on and Pete did the same thing but with a pair of his shoes.

"You ready?" he asked me.

"Yea. Lets go." I walked out of the house wearing sweatpants, a random shirt, and a pair of black converse, and my hair some what still wet. Pete was wearing a pair of black sweatpants, a random band shirt, and his black and white high top vans. Pete locked the front door then got into the passengers seat. After five minutes we pulled into my parents house. We got out of the car and started walking up the walk way to the front door. I unlocked the door and called for my mom.



*Pete's POV* 

"Madison?" A ladies voice said.

"Hey mom." Maddie said. 

"Hey sweetie." her mom said while coming out of a room.

"Mom, id like you too meet my roommate Pete Wentz. Pete also happens to be my boyfriend."

"Nice too meet you Mrs. Millar."

"Pleasure to meet you as well Mr. Wentz."

i just smiled because i didn't know what to say.

"Well we just came to get some movies." Maddie said as she took my hand in hers and started walking towards a staircase then led me up them and her hand was still holding onto mine. We entered this room and that had some things missing from it so i'm guessing this was Madison's room. She went to this box that was sitting on her bed. I walked over to where she is and looked into it. 

"So what do you wanna watch?" She asked.

"I don't know. You can pick."

"You sure?"

"Yea i'm sure."

"Okay babe."

I walked over to this tall bookshelf and the top shelf had a lot of pictures on it. One picture had a guy that looked 32 years old holding a baby and i'm guessing it was Maddie and her dad. All the pictures on the bookshelf were either Maddie or and her dad or her and her family. One picture was her and a lady that looked about 30 and there was a guy who  look about 32 and he was holding a baby and Maddie was holding a little girl who looked 3 on her hip and they were all smiling.

"Hey Maddie, who's all in this picture?" I asked her.

"Which one?" She asked while walking towards me.

"This one." I pointed to the picture.

"My aunt and uncle and my little cousin Ella and Jillian. They're the ones that just had a baby."

"Awe. Where was this taken?"

"Seattle, when i went with them."

"I like it. You look really happy."

"I like it too and yea i was happy because i've always wanted to go to Seattle and i was finally there."

I went up and hugged her and kissed the top of her head. 

"So what movies did you pick out babe?" I asked changing the subject.

"Footloose, Dirty Dancing, and The  Breakfast Club."

"You ready then?"

"Yep." She smiled. And t was beautiful.  I took her hand in mine and she guided us both downstairs into the living room.

"Hey mom, we got what we needed so i think we're gonna take off."

"Okay bye sweetie. Nice to meet you Pete." Mrs Millar spoke up.

"Nice too meet you as well Mrs Millar." 

"Bye mom, love you." Maddie said as she walked to the front door and i followed behind her. 

"Bye Mrs Millar." 

"Bye Pete."

Maddie and i walked out the front door and got in the car then pulled out of the drive way.


"Okay, so what movie do you wanna watch first?" I asked Maddie.

"The Breakfast Club." Maddie responded. 

She was climbing into my bed and leaned her head against the back board and got herself under the comforter.

"Okay love." I picked up the case that said THE BREAKFAST CLUB.  I put it in the DVD player and crawled in bed with Maddie.  Half way through the movie i found myself watching Maddie, not in like a creepy way but in a taking in her all beauty way. I noticed that she was mouthing some of the lines to the movie. 

"Babe you're adorable." i spoke up.

"Why is that?" She asked.

"You're mouthing lines from the movie."

"Thats adorable?" She asked again.

"To me it is."

"Okay whatever you say babe." she giggled.

"Are you glad you moved in with me?" I asked her.

"Of course i am baby. Why are you asking?" 

"I was just wondering babe." i responded.

"Okay." she leaned up and kissed me. I kissed back right away. She pulled away before it got heated and something happened. We both went back to watching the movie. While the movie was ending Maddie spoke up again.

"Do you have any ice cream?" 

"I don't think so, do you want me to go get some?"

"Sure but i'm coming with you." She said. 

"Okay lets go."

We both got out of my bed. Maddie walked into her room to get a pair of shoes. I got out a pair of shoes from my closet and slipped those on. Maddie leaned against the door frame wearing a pair of gray Nike sweatpants, a Blink-182 t-shirts, her purse was on her shoulder, and she wearing maroon vans.

"I like your vans." i said.

She looked down at her feet then back up at me.

"Thanks. I like yours too." she smiled.

"Thanks babe."

"No problemo."

"You ready?" 

"Yup lets go."

we walked down the stairs and i grabbed the keys to my SUV then walked out the front door and locking it. 

"Am i driving or are you?" She asked me.

"I'm driving and we're taking my car."


I took her hand in mine and we walked to my car. 

ROOMMATES|| PETE WENTZWhere stories live. Discover now