Chapter Twenty-Seven: Propositions of Power

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The November days consisted of brisk weather and a vast amount of homework. Many at Hogwarts assumed that by the time their sixth came and went, they would have much more free time to enjoy to themselves. This was not the case in the slightest. Not only were they studying as though they had exams every day, but the lessons themselves had become more demanding than ever before.

However, Hogwarts' workload was considerably lighter than Durmstrang's. The Institute drilled students in all matters of martial magic and expected that each and every pupil be well-learned in both the offensive and defensive aspects of the Dark Arts. At Durmstrang, if you happened to struggle in a certain area of magic, you would not be catered to in class. You were expected to master your weakness outside of the classroom and not request help from your peers nor professor.

And because she grew up with that kind of curriculum, Gwen did not feel nearly as stressed as some of the students at Hogwarts about their N.E.W.T. level classes-specifically Jane.

The girl had returned to her classes as soon as the Matron released her from the Hospital Wing, and although Professor Dippet excused her from all of the assignments she had missed while she was petrified, she still fretted about falling behind in her studies. Simon did his best to soothe her worries, but Jane would hear none of it.

Late at night, Gwen would return from her Prefect duties (which were supposed to temporary but were looking more and more like they were going to become permanent due to Jane's insistence that she must stay in and study) and find the dark haired girl hunched over her Advanced Potion Making textbook.

During breakfast, Gwen would let the sleepy-eyed yet eager to learn Jane review her Transfiguration notes. The class had been focusing on the Bird-Conjuring Charm as well as nonverbal spells. Dumbledore had also discussed Animagus Transformations briefly, but stated that the class would delve further into the subject in the second term.

Gwen had only met with Dumbledore a few times since their first initial conversation about Tom Riddle. Currently, she sat in his office, atop the enchanted chair that scooted itself in, with her legs crossed and back flush against the cushion of the chair.

"Gwen," Dumbledore began, "how have you been faring?"

"I'm well, Professor. How are you?" she replied in a business-like tone. To Gwen, it was all business. She had a task. She had to gain the trust of this man.

"Splendid, simply splendid. This time of year is admittedly my favorite," he smiled over his spectacles.

"And why is that?" Gwen asked curiously.

"Why, because I quite enjoy the staff gift exchange," he answered as if it was obvious. "Last year, I received the warmest pair of woolen socks from Professor Merrythought. This year, I'm hoping to be gifted a pair of long underwear of the same material!"

Gwen found herself fighting a smile. "I hope your wish comes true then, Professor."

Dumbledore was a man of infinite strangeness and unpredictability. He never failed to surprise her with his random musings and commentary. Although, Gwen hated to admit that she quite enjoyed that aspect of his persona for she had never met anyone like him before. How was this man once Grindelwald's accomplice?

"Now," Dumbledore said as he linked his fingers atop the desk, "I didn't call you in here to discuss my need for winter clothing. Has anything happened as of late?" His brow quirked upward as he anticipated Gwen's response.

Gwen licked her lips nervously. She didn't know where to begin. How much did she dare to tell him?

"I believe Tom has an interest in a certain book that's housed in the Restriction Section, Professor," she started tensely. "Are you familiar with Secrets of the Darkest Art?"

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