02. Sight Through A New World

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She pushed open the doors without help - something she had never been able to do before - and marched in.

Kristina could feel the stares on her as she walked. Hearts beat faster as she moved, hundreds of people were here. It seemed that there were twenty massive table lined up side by side and one at the front raised and slight off from the others. By their smells and power she felt radiating of them.

From the heartbeats she could tell the was an empty seat, where she normal sat.

"Hello mother, father, siblings" she said turning her head in their direction as she spoke.

King Julian didn't move his arms still halfway to his mouth the piece of bacon had long since drop. It had been a week since they had rip the evil of her soul, e wasn't predicted to wake for another month. Though it pained him to do that to his child he would do it all over again if given the chance. To see his daughter sitting there a cloak covering all but a twisted mouth had put him into a state of shock.

The Queen faired no better, she would never look at her the same way she had before I'm her mind she was still evil... a demons child not hers at all. She watched her eat, Kristina having to put the spoon in crooked to fit her mouth. To she her in such a calm state was bewildering.

Ash the elder of ten brother was always the closest with his young sister being there whenever she had nightmares. He had stood back and watch her be blinded he stood there as she scream to the high heavens. He had failed as her big brother.  (21)

Bennie and Cammie twins were always the jokers couldn't muster a smile, they had been against the hold thing but their foolish parents had believe the lies of a DarkOne her harmed the only daughter, their sister and a future queen. (19)

Dean, Elden and Finnly triplets were a jumble of emotions the had always resent Kristina to a certain degree as she had away had their parents approval but they never wanted to see her hurt. (16)

Grey was seat next to his sister to the right closer to their parents then she. Kristina had been partner in crime even though she was seven years younger then him. (12)

Henry could read emotions better then those how had been train could easily she that his younger sister was confused and hurt. And why shouldn't she be, she had been betrayed by all who she had loved. (9)

Ivan and Jai were the youngest only three and didn't understand the sombre mood, they along with all the other younger children had been sent to bed before the meeting. Why was their sissy covering her face... she was so pretty. (4)

It was common knowledge that when you lose one sense another gains strength, it was different for Kristina she seemed to have all her senses heightened. Smells from every which direction had her crunching up her nose, some people really need a shower. Her hearing had increased to an alarming level, she could her all the way to the humans school on the other side of the territory - they had the last lands being royals.

Her new black world was going to take some getting used to, she just wanted to know why they had done this to her.

The breakfast was awkward and over quickly Kristina's parent never talking to her, well nobody talked to her. She didn't mind she wouldn't of answered them anyway.

Following the scent of fresh dirt, water and flowers to the garden. She could almost see it she had memorised the garden when she had been much young after her brother had played a cruel trick on her and left her in the center of the maze.

The guards stood a few metres back still not released from their orders to watch her 24/7. Their princess had always loved the garden it more a trim forest then a domestic garden. The princess stopped at a bench just inside the maze, a place the guards were reluctant to enter many a men had lost their lives in there. If you were not worthy you were as good as dead and no one would be the wiser.

The events of the last few weeks crashed into her mind.

she sobbed heart wrenching cries her tears soaking her cloak as she cried into it. When the month had begun all had been fine her family loved her she had friends everywhere and people were willing to do anything to make sure she was never upset. Her life had gone down the drain in a mere matter of hours.

Her family hated her but couldn't banish her as the ''Evil'' was gone and it would be be seen as a disgrace on their part. Kristina knew at her age she was far to young to get revenge so she was just gonna have to train for it now.

Her sight was gone and she was never going to have it back she had to get used to her knew black, sightless world.

She was just going to have to get used to her

"Sight Thought New Eyes"



First Draft || Endless BloodshedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora