Chapter 4- Gypsies and Chases

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In fact I would probably see him in my dungeon until he was released, for all rogues were welcome back into society once they agreed to not go against the law. After that they were watched over until they proved to be loyal. Unfortunately that did not happen often, for more times than not, the rogues did not see our way so we were forced to take justice on them. I was convinced though, that this man would gladly see our ways, because he would most likely want to return to his family.

Yes, I thought, that’s what’s going on. One thing puzzled me that I couldn’t shake off. These invasions, as I call them, are happening more often. I didn’t think much of them though, because I had full trust in my father’s intentions.

He was a good fair ruler with thoughts of peace, and the rogues were the ones who were evil, right?

Archer’s P.O.V.

We were setting up camp when Bane came up to me.

“We have a problem,” I looked up to acknowledge him, “We are in need of a few supplies.”

I sighed “What do we need, I’ll make new ones.”

“That’s the thing,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “you wouldn’t be able to make them, we would have to buy them.”

Crap, “Okay, I’ll start heading to town at sundown, so we make it there by sunrise. Tell Pebble and Ranger they will be coming with me. Also write what we need on a piece of parchment and get all of the money we have and put that in a bag.” I finished and took a breath. Bane only nodded and headed off to gather up my team. I set up my tent and sat down inside, putting my head in my hands. I particularly didn’t like to have to go to town, for obvious reasons, but I always found myself and a few others going once and a blue moon to go and buy some things that were mostly impossible for us to make. I got up deciding that I should get myself ready for leaving considering that we may only have a couple hours, at best before sundown. Making my way to the small wagon we lugged around, I noticed Pebble and Ranger getting ready for our departure, as well. Once at the wagon I pulled out my trunk and carried it back to my tent to open. I opened the small-ish trunk I gazed inside, to see the contents. The trunk before held some of my mother’s things that she gave to me before the, incident.

I pulled out one of the dresses and held it up to my body. This should fit, I nodded approvingly. If you are wondering, I have to wear a dress inside the kingdom (which is where we are going, in case you didn’t know) because it would be suspicious if a girl walked around in trousers and tunic instead of the more proper shift.

(A/N- Trousers = pants, Tunic = Shirt, Shift = Dress- in case you didn’t know ;) okay continue)

Packing everything I needed I lay down so that I could have more energy for the ride to the kingdom.


Just as the sun was about to rise we reached the outskirts of the forest.

“Okay,” I turned to Pebble and Ranger, “how much money do we have to spend?”

Pebble brought out the bag filled with the list and coins. A frown settled on my face when I sisn’t see enough coins in the bag that would fulfill our needs. Suddenly I got a brilliant idea.

“Ranger, did you bring your piccolo?” he nodded. “Good, do you know any good tunes?”


I tied a bandana around my head, finishing the look. I gazed through the window and assessed my appearance. I had a bandana on my head and a large hoop earring in my right ear, this with the dress, bracelets on both my feet and hands and my bare feet I have to say that I resembled a gypsy. Walking out from our hiding spot, pebble and Ranger followed suit in their own disguises.

The Rogue and The PrinceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ