Chapter 18

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So sorry again for making this late. Also, this chapter and the last one are unedited! Sorry for any errors. I think I am going to change my schedule again to every Saturday. Sorry about this. Hopefully I can get back on track once I have been in school for a bit. Also, a huge thanks to  Citlaligarciia for making this wonderful cover for me!

I nod in agreement and he drags me to the living room and has me sit on the couch. Pulling up a chair, he sits right in front of me. I could trust the kids to get cleaned up by themselves. Most of them are very mature for their age. He looks at me and I could see the nervousness in his eyes. He goes to grab my hands, but I pull back slightly, not really trusting him at the moment. He sighs, but pulls his hands back.

"Okay, I knew you would keep asking me about this after my wolf told you he couldn't tell you. Now, this is going to be hard for me to tell you, but I know I have to tell you this at some point. Either that or you would figure out later." He stops for a second to think. "Where to start?"

"At the beginning?" I offer. He looks up and smiles. It wasn't a happy smile though. It was more of a weak or sad smile.

"Well, when I was old enough to start learning, which I guess was when I was about five or so, was when everything started. My dad ingrained things into my head that no little kid should ever know.  He started to teach me how to deceive people and how to properly catch you and your mother. My focus was mainly on you though since you were around my age." He stops and looks at me, waiting for a reaction. I just nod and urge him to go on.

"When I was ten, I was really emotional. Let's face it. I was just a really emotional kid. You probably don't believe, but I was. I would cry about the little things and always be so happy. My mom always would try and hide how emotional I was from my dad, but one day, he found out. He brought me to a torturing chamber. The same ones he had brought me to to teach me how to torture people. He was teaching me something, just not in the way I expected. He whipped me and tortured me just like he had taught me to do to other people. He did this to me until I learned not to show emotion. Until I didn't cry when he tortured me." I saw his eyes start to water. I wanted to reach out to him and comfort him. I wanted to believe him, but how could I? How could I believe him after what he has done to me.

I think he could see my disbelief in him so he stood up and sighed. He then turned around and took off his shirt. I gasp at what I am staring at. Scars lined his back to an unspeakable level. Putting my hands over my mouth, I almost cried at what he had went through. How could a father do this to his own son? Putting his shirt back on, he sat back down. I was still standing in disbelief. How could he do this to Michael?

He grabs my hands and I let him this time. "After a while, he stopped, but then I shifted for the first time. My wolf was out of control and emotional like I had been before. My dad noticed this and he started it up again. My wolf wasn't about to back down, but he whipped him into submission just like he had done to me. That's how I have so much control over him. Ever since we met you though, it has been really difficult to control him."

"Wow." Turning around, I find Alex standing there with wide eyes, staring at Michael. He looked so mature. He had to grow up a lot faster then what he should have. Feeling someone wipe a tear away from my cheek, I look at Michael. I hadn't even realized I had started crying.

"Can you give us a second?" Michael is asking Alex. He nods and leaves. "So, I know you may never forgive me for this, but I hope that maybe you can understand why." I nod in acknowledgment and he stands up. "And if you still want me to leave, I can. I won't be going far though. My wolf won't let me." He smiles a small smile and it is actually a genuine smile. I smile a small one back.

"You don't have to go." His smile grows and I can't help but laugh. I liked this smile. It was adorable and kind of like Lucas. I get up to check on the kids, but before I could, Michael wrapped me into a hug. His breath is on my ear and I giggle a bit because it tickled.

"Thank you." Letting me go, I walk away to check on the kids. They were all clean and ready for bed.

"Okay. Some of you will sleep in my room and others in Jason's room. We also have another guest room. I will be in the Alpha's and Luna's room if any of you need anything. Now, get into three groups and I would suggest it be with people you get along with." I look between James and Alex and they both nod in understanding. The kids then get into three groups and I lead them into separate rooms. The only ones that I grabbed were the two little toddlers. I brought them into my parents room and laid them on the bed.

"Mary, do you need any help?"

I look back to see Michael standing in the doorway. "Um... not really. I was just going to make rounds before settling down." He nods.

"OK. I can help with that." We go around and check on the kids. Everyone seems to be asleep or close to it, except for Jamie. She got up when we opened the door and went over to us. I was expecting her to come over to me, but instead, she went to Michael. She holds up her hands and waits for him to pick her up. He is as in shock as I am.

Slowly picking her up, she wraps her small arms around his neck and leans her head on his shoulder. She needed someone to hold her. She needs someone like a father figure to make her feel safe. I guess Alex knows about him, but Jamie doesn't. I know children have a sixth sense just like animals. If she sees good in him, then I guess he must be. I guess there is good in him, even if it's just a little bit.    

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote, comment, ans share if you liked it. Any questions, comments, or suggestions, please share with me. Either comment them or message me. I always enjoy hearing from everyone.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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