Chapter 10

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By the end of it all, I wasn't surprised. It was just a really bad meeting. Talk about wars, and some alliances threatening to break off. Then there was his beta who wasn't taking anything seriously. I would be a bit upset too. I give him a small smile and he smiles back.

"I'm just glad it's all over for today and I get to spend the rest of my day with you." I smile at him saying that.

"Do you have any meetings tomorrow or anything?"

"Is have some paperwork to go through, but you can come with me if you want. I have a small library right across from my office, so you can read in my office while I work." I nod.


"So, what do you want to do now?"

"Well, I probably ought to call my mom. She's probably freaking out by now. Then we could watch the last Transformers movie."

"Okay. Do you want me to go and do something while you talk to her? You know, for privacy."

"No. You're fine." He nods and moves so his back is leaning on the head rest. He was sitting right beside me. I grab my phone and call my mom, and she answers instantly.

"Mary! I was worried sick!"

"Mom, I'm fine. Everything is fine."

"Okay. You better be telling me the truth. I know how males can be with their mates."

"I know mom. And really, I'm okay. How are you and dad?"

"Don't even get me started. He put all these horrible scenarios in my head, making me freak out. He then tells me to calm down and eat some peanut butter or something."

I giggle at this. Peanut butter was her go to food to calm her down. "Mom, everything is fine. I've got to go, but I'll call you tomorrow, ok?"

"Okay sweetie. Your dad and I love you very much."

"Love you guys too. Bye!"


I hang up and look to see Michael has started the movie. I go up and sit next to him and he puts his arm up behind my head, almost testing to see if I would do anything. I just lean down, almost laying down on him.

"Mary, can I try something?"

"If I say stop, you better."

He chuckles a bit. "It's not going to be like that. You can calm down." I nod and he slowly slides down beside me. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulls me into his chest. I look up at him and he smiles down at me. He places his cheek on top of my head as the movie starts. I move my head a bit so I can see the movie. I could hear his wolf start to purr and I giggle a bit. It has always made me laugh when they purr. Mom laughs at that too when dad purrs.

"What's so funny?"

"Your purring."

"Yeah, I know. It's a werewolf thing."

"I know." I giggle at him. Does he not know I can shift? "You do realize I can shift right? Not into a wolf though."

His eyes light up with interest at hearing this. "Oh really?"

"Yep. I shift into a fox." He sits up and pauses the movie.

"Are you serious? Can you show me?"

"Maybe later. let's just watch the movie."

"Okay." We lay there together, enjoying the movie. I think I like this one the best. The movie ends and I look up to find Michael asleep. Trying to move, he brings me in closer and nuzzles into my neck.

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