Chapter 20

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After a little while of watching tv, I noticed all the kids were starting to get a bit fidgety. Trying to think of things to do with them, I get an idea.

"Hey guys, want to go to the park?"

"Yeah!" I smile. They are all so excited. They all get up and run towards the door.

"Hey, you all still need to get dressed. You're in your pajamas." They run upstairs and everyone gets dressed. I help the littler ones get dressed and soon we are all heading towards the park. I grabbed the littler ones and put them in the baby swings, telling the others to stay close. I did not want something to happen and the kids to not be within reach.

All the kids were playing and having a good time, while Michael and I were pushing the littler ones in the baby swings. I caught Michael staring at me a couple of times, and when I looked at him he would quickly look at a tree that was apparently oh so interesting. I just rolled my eyes and continued pushing the little ones. I saw something out of the corner of my eyes and quickly looked up, ready to fight, to see it was only Jenna. She was walking up with all the kids right behind her. Smiling at her, I wave her over.

"Hey Jen."

"Hey. How has it been with all them?" She asks while motioning to the kids.

"Well, it's been okay. Not as bad as what you probably went through with all of them."

She nods in agreement. "Hey, if you want we can make it more even now. Split the kids up so we each have an even number of self sufficient and younger kids."

"That would be good, but are you sure you're ready?"

"Yeah. I just needed one good night sleep."

"Okay then" We got the kids together and we split them up as evenly as we possibly could. I took the bigger amount of younger ones and I had her take the bigger amount of the older ones though. I knew she was still tired. I would be too. We take them back to my parent's house and we walk inside. Jamie is following Michael around like a lost puppy and he is kind of getting irritated. It's kind of cute.

I am beginning to make lunch when he comes into the kitchen with Jamie following right behind him. "Mary, make it stop!"

"Awe! Are you irritated?"


"You know, she sees you as the protector. All other older male role models in her life are gone. To her, you're all she has besides her brother. So deal with it."


"No buts. Deal with it."

He groans and walks out with Jamie following behind giggling. I just have to laugh at that. She is the cutest thing, and in the end, I feel like this will be good for the both of them. You see, the twins just kind of showed up at our border. We don't know where they came from or how they got here. The whole pack kind of takes care of them. Sometimes I babysit for them when no one else can. Jamie never really has had a male figure in her life and I think that is why she is attached to Michael. It's always been females taking care of them, so Michael is the first male to hang around for more than a day.

Michael's POV

Jamie is really starting to get on my nerves. Everywhere I go, she goes. I can barely get enough privacy to go to the bathroom. It's insane! I sat down on the couch and she sits next to me, trying to mimic my movements. It was kind of funny, but still irritating. After a bit, Mary called for the kids for lunch and they all walked out, except for Jamie. She was waiting for me to get up. I got up and we walked out, and only when I was standing in the kitchen did she go and sit at the table.

"Why won't she hang out with her brother or something?"

"Do you have any siblings?"


"Figures. Sometimes siblings can get along great, and then other times they fight with each other. Most of the time it's fighting."

She serves the kids their lunch, which happened to smell really good. She had made Spaghetti and garlic bread. I go to grab some garlic bread and she smacks my hand. She then hands me a plate with food and I gladly take it. Don't ask me why she wouldn't allow me to just take some bread, but oh well. I'm not arguing.  

I eat some and she grabs a plate for herself. I notice some of the littler ones were making a decent sized mess. The spaghetti was all over their faces. It was kind of funny. They each had a couple helpings of food and then they all went back out except for Jamie. She stood by me and tried to lean up against the counter like I was. Only to hit her head on the edge of it.


"You okay?" I ask. She sniffles a bit and moves in front of me. Holding her head with one hand and putting her other up in a gesture for me to hold her. Looking at Mary, she just smiles and encourages me to pick her up. Sighing, I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder. Soon enough, she was asleep on my shoulders. I guess nap time it is.  

Author's Note

Super sorry it took me so long to update. I have been having major writers block and school is throwing my schedule off as well. I will try my best to get another chapter done in less then two weeks. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote, and share if you liked. 

Have a wonderful day/night,


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