Chapter 5

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Questions at the end. I know author's notes are boring. I understand. And sorry about this one at the beginning. Just wanted to let you know. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter!

I stare at him. He knows he has me there. We have none in the house right now and I really am craving one. I start putting the stuff away and decide that I will make them when we come back. I follow him, but before I could get out the door, someone grabs my arm. I look back to see Michael.

"Where are you going?"


"I know that. Why are you going with him?" He motions towards Bryan.

"He offered to get me a coke." He looks at me questionably as Bryan comes up behind me.

"She kind of has an addiction to it."

Michael glares at Bryan, and Bryan returns the glare. "Okay, come on Bryan. Let's go."

I push him towards the door and he starts walking. Grabbing my hand, he holds it. I noticed him glancing back at Michael, I'm guessing as a way to show off. I try to casually pull my hand away, but he only tightens his grip. I pinch his wrist and he loosens his grip, freeing my hand. I get in the passenger seat, all while he was glaring at me. After we were on the road, he decided to ask some questions.

"Who is he?"

"Some guy named Michael claiming to be my mate."

He growls, but I ignore him. We pull up to a small cafe and I get out instantly, practically running towards the door. He walks up beside me and takes my hand again. We walk in together and get in line to order. I look up and notice glazed donut holes.

"Hey, you want to get some glazed donut holes and split them?"

"Or we could get one order for each of us."

I smile and nod. I love donut holes so much. Especially when they are glazed. We ordered some glazed donut holes, a large coke, and some coffee. Sitting down at the small table near the back, I dig into my bag. He chuckles. He finally starts eating his and drinks his coffee. I cringe at this. I don't mind coffee, but I can't stand having it plain. I need creamer and sugar in it. He noticed my disgusted look and smirks.

"Want some?"

"Nope. Not really."

"You sure?"


"How's your donut holes?" I just nod as I shove some more into my mouth. He laughs, and continues to eat his. I go to reach for one more, but notice that they are all gone. I hate it when that happens. He notices this and tries to hand me some of his.

"I'm fine."

"Mary, I know that face. You want some more. Take some."

"They're yours though."

"Take them Mary." I sigh but take a couple out, eating them. They were really good though. I decide to look like I'm fine so I start sipping on my coke. He finishes soon after and we begin to walk out. I still had my coke in my hand and he chuckles.

"I figured it would have been gone by now."

"I'm trying to make it last." He nods in understanding. I was about to hop in when he stopped me. "Bryan?"

"Look... I am sorry for what happened earlier. I don't know what came over me. Um... do you think that we could just forget that happened?"

I think about it and nod slightly. He smiles, and it was a genuine smile. He seems to be doing this a lot here lately and I think I like it. He leans in towards me and I look up into his light brown eyes. His brown hair had flopped down a bit and was almost in his eyes. He needs a haircut. Although it's really cute when it's flipped up.

"Mary, can I try something?"

"I don't-"


I nod slightly and he seems to sigh. He leans in to where I am practically pinned up against his truck and his lips were a mere inch away from mine. Slowly leaning in closer, his lips barely brushed across mine. He then backs up a bit, waiting for my reaction. I really didn't know what to think. This was way better than earlier, but I don't know.

I decide to just get in the truck. He nods in acknowledgement and just hops in the driver's side. Driving us back home, I sip on my coke some more. When we got home, we get out and walk inside. Michael is standing there waiting for us, but I ignore him.

"Bryan, how much?"


"How much do I owe you?"


"Bryan, come on. Let me pay you back."

He smirks and looks at Michael. "Do you really want to pay me back?" I nod, but a bit hesitant right now. "You can pay me back with a kiss on the lips."

I look at him and he had a sheepish look towards me, waiting for my reaction. I heard Michael growling, but I ignore him again.


I go up to him and try on my tiptoes, but he is too tall. He chuckles and leans down a bit. I kiss him on the lips really quick and then back up. I just happen to back right into Michael though. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles into my neck.

"Michael, let me go!"

"Why should I?"

"Because if I don't... I will... make my dad send you away."

"And how do you plan to do that?" He asks while turning me around to face him.

"I am his little princess. If I tell say that you... oh I don't know... tried to do something to me and I didn't like it. Bye bye alpha."

His face pales and he reluctantly lets me go. I got him there. With that, I went up to my room and looked at the time. It is a little past eight, but I wasn't that tired. I decided to read a bit and soon enough, I was tired. Going to bed, I slowly fall asleep, anxious about what was to come. 

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The picture is of how I picture Michael. Sorry if it's blurry. Hey, just wondering, but how many are Coke product fans and how many are Pepsi product fans? I am kind of both, but if I had to choose it would probably be coke.

Please vote, comment, share. Please tell your friends too about this book if you like it! And does anyone have any cover ideas or anything? Or any ideas on how to make this book better? 

Thanks and have an amazing day/night,


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