#76 - STORY IDEA 2 (teaser 2)

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because one just wasn't long enough 😋

"Riker open the boot," I ordered. "Everybody climb out through the back seats and then squat behind the car."

Surprisingly they all followed behind, and we stayed down for what seemed hours, but was actually the 7 minutes it took those people and the van to give up and drive away.

My phone rang. "Ross?! Where the hell are you?!"

"Don't come looking for me!" He yelled back. "It's dangerous! I just have something to get done and then I'll be back home."

"Swear to God, if you're just going to steal a video game, I will kill you," all eyes shot to me. I placed the phone against my chest. "Too early?"

"Yes, Rocky." Ellie smirked.

I put the phone on speaker, "I'll be safe and I'll be fine, I promise." And just like that, he hung up.

"Right, get in the car, we all have to get there." I announced.

"We're out of fuel." Riker replied. A collective sigh escaped us all.

"Let's just go home. Ross said he'll be fine." Rydel sighed.

"No. All unarmed people walk in the middle. Those with guns make a circle around them; if you see anybody, kill them." I said. "And anybody who's tired can ride Ry's motorbike with him. Let's go."

Everybody shuffled into action, but Ellie. "I'll stay here. I'll slow you down with my paranoia."

"You won't stay here, you can go with Ryland if you want," I suggested. "I promise you, we're just going to get my brother and we'll be straight back home."

Night fell with gravity. Quickly and certainly, darkness and silence took over the city - minus the occasional scream & gunshot. Only two people had been killed as of now, by Riker and myself.

They all seemed to target Ryland and Ellie, explaining why they would often speed ahead. "Over here!" I called, turning a street corner leading to a level crossing. The light was red, so we all stopped, listening for the rumble of the train arriving.

It rushed past us, completely alight bar the last carriage. I covered my eyes from the fire, only 2 feet away from me. Once the train went past, the gunshots began from the group of people on the other side of the crossing, also the same group that stopped us at the bridge.

"Everybody run!" Riker yelled, and we began to run away from the machine gun shooting at us. He hopped the fence, sprinting towards the last train carriage. He jumped in, then stretched out his hand helping the rest of us in.

Ryland remained last, riding along beside us. He looked away from the road. "I'll meet you guys at his house!"

"No! You get your ass on this train right now!" I ordered, but he flipped me off and drove away, speeding over a group of people attempting to shoot him.

Riker pulled the fire alarm, and the sprinklers came on. It was a summer night, yes, but it didn't change the fact that we were all freezing cold once the sprinklers stopped.

"Is there anybody alive in the train?" A raspy PA sounded, the train driver speaking to us.

I walked to the saloon, pulling down the emergency telephone. "Yes. Please take us to the end of the line."

"Sure." He replied and the line faded again, the train gaining speed. Coincidentally, Miles' house was on the last stop.

I sunk into my seat beside a drifting Ellie. She leaned on the window, hugging herself to retain body heat. "Here, you can lean on me."

She shifted at once, pulling her legs up with a sigh. I kissed the top of her head. "I'm so sorry my brother is a dick."

"It's fine, it keeps my mind off last year. Somehow." She said.

Nobody spoke after that.


After 20 minutes, we reached Coney Island station, now damp and more awake. I lead the way to Miles' house, noticing that oddly, the Purge was much calmer here. Like any smart person, all we saw were people stealing from stores. They ran once they saw the guns.

We walked through a park, to a nice neighbourhood. Miles' house was at the end of the road, and Ryland's motorbike was already there. I sighed in relief. "Let's go."

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