chapter 18

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Bella's POV: We were both surprised by what had just happened and we just sat there. "I can't believe you hit me" I said holding my cheek and starting to cry. "I-im sorry I don't know why I did it" he said and he started walking over towards me but I ran out of the room and right at that moment dad and Dahvie walked in. "What's wrong" he asked me and I hugged him and started crying and he held me. "What did you do" Dahvie asked him and he saw my cheek. "YOU NEVER HIT A GIRL" he yelled at him and dad took me into his room. "Are you ok" he asked me looking at my cheek. "N-no" I said and I started crying again. "I can't believe he actually hit me" I said and he held me and let me cry. "Dahvie will punish him I'm sure of it, but I don't want you together, not if he does that" he said and I looked up at him. "C-can you b-break up with him f-for me" I asked and he shook his head yes. "I love you" he said and he helped me up. "She's breaking up with you" dad said to Edward and I continued to cry into his chest. "I don't understand why I hit her, I was just so mad, and now I ruined everything" he said and he started crying and I wanted to hug him so badly but I couldn't. "You're grounded for however long I feel like it, give me your phone, laptop and camera" Dahvie said and Edward gave it to him. They moved all his things back into his room and they locked him in his room. He wasn't allowed to come out until supper.

The end

Comment if you want a sequel, if I do one it will probably be them going through the school year and everything peace out girl/boy scouts

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