chapter 9

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Bella's POV: I woke up around ten and Dad and Edward were talking and they saw me sat up. "What were you talking about" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Don't worry about it" Edward said and he came over and sat by me. "How did you sleep" He asked me and he he wrapped his arm around me. "Good i guess" I said and he smiled. "Here" He said handing me a slice of pizza. "No thank you" I said pushing the plate away. "Please eat" Dad said and i took the plate from Edward. "Fine" I said and i started eating the pizza. I could tell it was just cheese but that was fine by me. "Here drink this" Dad said and he handed me a Monster. "I love you" He said and he kissed my forehead and walked out. "Do you want to go swimming or sit in the hot tub or something" Edward asked me and i said yes. "Jayy bought us swimsuits while you were asleep since we never had time to pack anything" he said and he stood up and went to grab it and he gave it to me. It was a black bikini with the batman logo on it, i liked it. "You can change in the bathroom I will change out here" He told me and i walked into the bathroom and changed. "Am i ok to come out" i yelled through the door because i didn't want to walk out on him changing. "Yes" he said and i grabbed two towels and i walked out and threw one at him.

He told my dad where we were going and we walked down to the swimming area. "Which one do you want to go into" He asked me and i went into the swimming pool. I looked up and I saw all the guys come into the pool too. Nobody else was in the pool except us, they all decided to go into the hot tub and just avoid us. "Let's play chicken" Dahvie said and Dad went under me and had me on his shoulders. Edward ended up getting on Dahvie's shoulders and Ronnie was life the judge to say who won. Me and Edward kept pushing against each other as hard as we could but we didn't end up knocking each other down, the guys decided to just throw us off their backs which was very unexpected and scared the crap out of me. "Let's play hide and seek" I said and we got out of the pool. For hide and seek all you have to do is stay in the Hotel and you aren't cheating, you can be on any floor and in any room including bathrooms. We were all soaking wet but none of us really cared and nobody bothered coming up to us. Just one round of that lasted a half hour so after an hour we decided to go to bed because you know it was kind of past one.

The Next Morning

I woke up with Dad beside me and it felt very awkward, i sat up and i went where i remembered Alice's room was and the door was still knocked down. I looked inside and there she was sleeping on the bed. I quickly ran to Ronnie's room and told him and we ran back to her room and she was still just laying there. He slowly picked her up and then we took her back to his hotel room and laid her on his bed. "Tell me when she wakes up" I said and i walked back to my room. "Good morning beautiful" Edward said and he kissed my cheek. "Good morning" I replied and i sat down on his bed beside him and dad woke up. "Me and Ronnie found Alice asleep in her room so he carried her back to his room and he said he will tell me when she wakes up" I said and they both smiled. "We told you we would get her back" Dad said and he hugged me. "she just woke up" Ronnie texted me and we all went to his room. "I can't believe Ronnie Radke is adopting me" She said while hugging me. "wait what" me, Dad, and Edward all said at the same time. "Surprise" Ronnie said and I hugged him. "Thank you so much" I said and he smiled. "I promised" He said and Alice looked at me. "By the way Bella i never got the chance to tell you that i am dating Jasper" She said and i squealed. I knew it would happen eventually i am just excited that it finally did.

"ok well we need to get back to California" Dahvie said and he had a point because we couldn't just stay here in England where we literally have nothing. "Well let's go board our flight" Dad said waving his phone. "I just got us a flight it takes off in a half hour so let's go" He said and i grabbed my swim suit that he had bought out of our hotel room and we all piled into the tiny car. "I left money for the door i broke, I think 200 dollars should be plenty" Ronnie said and i couldn't help but laugh. Those doors probably only cost like ten dollars but oh well i guess it doesn't really matter. It only took us about five minutes to get there because it was so close to the hotel we were at and we all ran in to see where our flight is boarding. We waited by where it would be boarding soon and me and Alice decided we needed to talk. "So why did you run away" I asked and she sighed. "Well i was tired of getting treated like crap at my house and I don't know why but i just felt like you guys wouldn't have wanted me in your house and I just felt like you were too busy to spend time with me with your whole new life and everything" she said and we both had tears in our eyes. "Alice you are always welcome at our house and i will never be too busy for you, our friendship comes before any stupid fame" I said and she hugged me. "Thank you" She said and she smiled.

Jacob's POV: I saw the people Alice have been hiding from take her away and i was happy. I could tell Alice was finally happy again and i wasn't planning on interfering or anything so I just sat and watched put my door as i saw her leave. I could really tell how much they all cared about her especially the girl that was most likely her friend. She looked so excited to have her back and hopefully sometime me and Alice can meet again.

Bella's POV: "The flight to California is now boarding" I heard a lady say and we all stood up and so did a huge crowd of people. Alice got ahead of me but I was stuck in the crowd trying to push my way though but the crowd was walking the other way. "The flight to California is now taking off" she said again and i screamed at the top of my lungs no. I was stuck here by myself with no money or anything. I had no idea what I was going to do.

Peace out girl/boy scouts

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