chapter 17

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Bella's POV: I made the team! Now we were all on the team so we would probably practice together a lot. It said for us to come tomorrow for our uniforms and everything and I texted dad to come pick us up. "You have to bring us back tomorrow at one" I said and he just said ok. "Edward where's your room" Emmett asked as we got back. "Me and Bella share this room, you guys can sleep on the extra bed" he said and I sat down on our bed. "Let's listen to music" I said and I put a blood on the dance floor CD in and I sang along. "Let's dance" Edward said holding his hand out and I laughed. Bewitched came on and me and Edward sang it as we danced and Emmett and Tori just watched us. "This is a really good band" she said smiling. "Ya it's my favorite" I said and me and Edward stopped dancing. "You guys are such a cute couple" she said smiling.   "What is this band" Emmett asked. "Blood On The Dance Floor why" I asked him. "I want to look up some music videos" he said and he took out his phone. "Oh wow these people look familiar" he said and then dad walked in. "Supper is ready" he said and walked out and their jaws dropped. "Your guys dads are famous" he said with his jaw still dropped. "Slightly" I said and laughed. We went out to the kitchen and ate supper which was pasta and then we decided to just go to bed.

"So your parents are just fine with you sleeping together" Tori said and I shook my head yes. "They're fine with everything but sex" Edward said and I laughed. "Goodnight baby" he said and he kissed my forehead and then wrapped his arms around me. "Goodnight, I love you" I said and we went to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up and Tori was putting on her makeup and I went over and sat beside her. "He was moaning in his sleep like right before you woke up" she said and I laughed and then I heard him moan lightly and I looked back and just started dying from laughing. "Don't worry we aren't going to have sex until we're married" I said still laughing. "We better wake them up because its already noon" she said and I went over and leaned over Edward. "Wake up" I whispered and I kissed him and he kissed back. "Not right now" I said and I gave him one last kiss and had him sit up. "Get dressed" I said and I pulled him up and he got out his clothes. I grabbed some black shorts and a falling in reverse tank top and hurried and took a shower then blow dried and straightened my hair. I didn't bother with the makeup today though. "I love your hair, the green is just so pretty" she said touching my hair and I smiled. "Edward what were you dreaming about" I asked trying not to laugh. "Me and you had sex, to bad it wasn't reality" he whispered in my ear and I laughed. "Ya well you were moaning in your sleep" I said and he just laughed. "Our parents are going to pick us up from the school so we won't be coming back here" Emmett said and they got all of their things together and we got into the car.

We got there and picked up our uniforms and bows and sceduales and everything and then we went home. "We're going to the store to get some things are you kids coming" dad asked but we decided to stay home. Edward waited for them to leave and then he pushed me on the bed. "Now we can get as loud as we want" he said and he laid on top of me and started kissing me. I kissed back and he put both of his hands in my shirt and just left them there while he continued to kiss me. He pulled up my shirt and started kissing my stomach. He kissed around where my bra was and then he pulled it down a little bit to kiss the top part of my boobs. I kept moaning and he started kissing my neck some more. He rolled me on top of him and held his hand on my butt and we continued to kiss. I started kissing his neck and he moaned. "Can we have sex" he asked but I shook my head no. "I need to do something then, and you probably don't want to watch" he said and he started unzipping his pants and I got off of him because I knew what he was going to do. He was clearly going to jerk off. "I'm taking a nap" I said and I laid down beside him and I put my head on his arm. "Don't be loud" I said and I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes. I know its weird that I was just laying down while he did this but oh well. I kept hearing him moan and I felt something hit me. "DID YOU JUST GET YOUR CUM ON ME" I asked and he started dying from laughter after putting his thing away. "I'm taking a shower" I said and I got up. "Can I watch" he asked me smiling. "In your dreams" I said and I grabbed some clothes and got into the shower. "I need to pee" he said knocking on the door and he came in.

I had the shower curtain closed all the way so neither of us could see the other which was fine by me and then I heard him start pulling at the curtain. "Please" he said and I pulled it shut. "No too young" I said and he handed me a towel so I could get out. "Come on baby, all kids our age are already doing it, we're 15" he said and I put my underwear and bra on under the towel and then put on the rest of my clothes. "No" I said and I walked back into our room. "Well why not" he asked me. "Because I'm not ready" I said. "Well I am" he said and he pushed me onto the bed. "I'm not, so get over it" I said and I sat up and got on my phone. "Whatever" he said and he walked out of the room and slammed the door shut. Was that our first fight? I couldn't really decide if that was a fight or not. "IM NOT A SEXUAL OBJECT" I yelled and he came back in and he locked the door. "EVERY GUY WANTS SEX AND WE ARE AT THE RIGHT AGE FOR IT" he yelled back right in my face. "Well I'm not ready for it so you have to wait" I said and he slapped me across the face.

Rude right, peace out girl/boy scouts

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