chapter 1

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I decided to write another story but I'm sorry the other ones are never coming back

Bella's POV: I was just brought to an adoption center and I can't decide if I'm relieved or upset. Of course I'll miss my best friend but I can always text her. "Hello miss Bella my name is Ms. Bree and I am in charge of you all and I would lobe to show you your room after I give you the rules" this extremely tall lady said to me as soon as I walked through the door. "Rule number one, no phones" she said and she grabbed mine out of my hand. "You may have it back when you are adopted, rule number two you must go to sleep by ten thirty, rule number three you will wake up by eight to do some chores" she said and she started leading me down a hall. "This will be your room" she said and she walked put leaving me in the room with nothing but a bed and plain white walls. Am I being punished I thought to myself. I've always been a good child why is this happening to me. I put my suitcase under the bed and fell unto the bed crying. I couldn't believe this was happening to me, why me out of everyone in the world. I heard a knock on my door and I slowly sat up trying to hide the fact that I was just crying like a little baby. "Hey" they said walking in and they sat down beside me. "H-hi" I said to him and he frowned. "I would ask if you're ok but you're obviously not" he said and I looked at him. He's kind of cute he has short black hair blue eyes and honestly he is as pale as a vampire. "I'm Edward" he said and he held put his hand for me to shake so I did.

"Bella" I said and he pulled his hand away. "How old are you" he asked me. "I'm 13 you" I asked and he smiled. "I'm 14" he told me and then Ms. Bree walked in. "Somebody is coming to see you all in three days" she said and she walked out. "How long have you been here" I asked him. "Almost a year" he said and he looked down and played with his hands. "Does it get better" I asked and he just laughed. "Bella I'll be fully honest with you it gets worse and worse every single day" he told me and I felt disappointed. "Oh" is all I could manage to say. "Well I better go its already nine thirty" he said and he got up and left the room. Well at least I have one friend, at least I think I do. I laid down on the bed and just looked at the ceiling and just thought of random things. Eventually I tried myself to sleep.

The dream

"I'll get it" I screamed to my mom because there was a knock on the door. "Um hello" I said as I opened the door.....there was two police officers. "Come with us" one said and they grabbed my arm. "No stop please" I screamed and tried to get out of their grip. "What are you doing" my mom asked walking to the door. Thankfully she isn't drunk like usual. "We have gotten a report that you are normally drunk on a daily basis and this girl needs more care" the officer said and my moms face went pale. They started pulling me away and I started crying. "Don't worry Bella I'll find you" is the last thing I heard from my mom before the door of the police car was slammed shut.

The next morning

"Bella wake up why are you crying" Edward said and I sat up. "I-i had a dream of me being taken away" I said and he hug me. "Its eight thirty we have to do chores ok" he asked and we stood up. We walked over to Ms. Bree to see what pur chores were. "Bella please do the breakfast dishes and Edward please clean up the meeting room" she said and we walked off. There weren't many dishes because there was only around five other people here including Ms. Bree. I quickly did the dishes and went back up to my to and waited for Edward to get done cleaning up the meeting room. The meeting room is where I was were we will meet the person that may or may not adopt us. When Edward was finally done it was almost ten. "Get ready someone just stopped in, look your best" she said and Edward went to his room to get ready. I put on a Hello Kitty tank top and black shorts to match and grabbed some black flip flops. I ran down and was pushed into the meeting room by Ms. Bree. "H-hi" I said to the man sitting in the chair. "Hello" he said and he ushered for me to sit beside him. "What is your name" he asked me and I kept stuttering when I talked because I was nervous. "B-bella" I answered and he smiled. "How old are you Bella" he asked me smiling. "13" I answered him. This man look like we was in his mid-20's maybe, he had black hair and piercings on his face and tattoos. He was also extremely skinny I've never seen I guy like this. "Have you ever heard of the band Blood On The Dance Floor" he asked me and I shook my head no. "Well they have a song called I Heart Hello Kitty" he said pointing to my shirt. C-cool" I said and he smiled. "There's no reason to be nervous" he said and he laughed so I smiled. "You know what I'm going to adopt you get your things" he said and I jumped up from the seat and ran upstairs.

"I'm going to miss you so much Edward" I said and I hugged him and he smiled. "Nah because I'm getting adopted by someone too and I'll get my phone back so gibe me your number" he said and I smiled and wrote it on his hand because I didn't have paper. "Bye" I said ams I hugged him again and I ran down with my suit case. "Here's your phone" Ms. Bree said and she handed it to me. "By the way my name is Jayy" the man said and he grabbed my suitcase for me. "Thanks" I said as he put it in his car. "No problem" he said and we got in. "Here I have a CD of Blood On The Dance Floor tell me what you think of them" he said and he turned on the music. "What did you think" he asked after the first song was over. "They're pervs but I loved it" I said and he laughed. "The singers are Dahvie Vanity and something Monroe I can't remember the other guys name" he said smiling. "Oh I can Google it I have mobile data" I said and I pulled out my phone. "Wait look up the music video Death To Your Heart first" he said so I did. "T-thats you" I said and he smiled even more. "Wait I was adopted by a famous person how" I asked and he started laughing. "We're here" he said pulling into a driveway of a gigantic house.

OK soooooo I started writing again hope you like it so far peace out girl/boy scouts

Adopted By Jayy Von MonroeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя