chapter 5

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Bella's POV: I already had a feeling that Alice and Jasper were going to end up dating which I think they would look cute together.

If you have ever seen twilight I'm sorry I just couldn't think of what names to use so this happened XD

We got home and we had to sneak in because we didn't want to wake anyone up. We went into the kitchen because we wanted to get something and luckily we found it. "You get Dahvie I'll get dad as soon as we get them run to my room" I said and we quietly walked to their rooms. I took the baby powder and I threw it all over his face and he woke up and I started running. I could hear him running behind me and I saw Alice was running ahead of me. I got to my room and we closed the door and blocked it with my bed and started laughing. The bad thing is.....I forgot there are two doors to my room. They ended up coming in and they grabbed us and me and Alice were dying from laughter. "What happened" Edward asked walking into my room and he looked extremely confused. "They antiqued us" dad said and he let go of me and I sat down on the bed and so did Alice. They pushed the bed back in place while we were still sitting on it and for some reason we decided to scream weeeeeeeee. "Get some sleep I have someone I want you to meet tomorrow he is your Godfather" dad said and they all walked out so me and Alice could get into our pajamas. We changed into our pajamas but neither of us were tired so we decided we wanted to walk around some more. "Edward wanna go on a walk" I asked him quietly. "Sure" he said and he got up. We all snuck out and started walking around and decided to go to the park.

"Can I invite Jasper" Alice asked and of course I said yes. "I bet him and Edward will be good friends" I said and Edward looked confused. "We snuck out earlier and he was here so ya" I explained which you have to admit the was a good explanation. Around twenty minutes later he arrived at the park and he came over to us. "Hi I'm Edward Vanity" Edward introduced himself. "I'm Jasper Guilbert" he said and I had to hold in my inner fan girl. "Any relation to Johnnie Guilbert" I asked trying not to scream. "I'm his son" he said and I finally screamed. "I LOVE JOHNNIE" I screamed and Alice started laughing. She knows how much I love Johnnie Guilbert. Now she just needs to meet Andy Biersacks son I think he has one.  "My friends are having a party in a half hour wanna come" Jasper asked and we were confused on why so late. "Its two in the morning" Alice said and he laughed. "Yes and it ends at seven wanna go or not" he said and Edward shrugged. "Why not but none of us are dressed appropriately" he said but eh who cares.

We got to the persons house and a bunch of people were already there. Me and Edward held hands because he said he didn't want any guys to come up to me which was fine by me.  Alice stayed with Jasper during the party thanks to me and Edward trying to ditch her so they would get together. There was drinks there but we all promised each other that we wouldn't drink anything and if we saw drugs we wouldn't do them. "Hey what's your name you look familiar" a girl said coming up to me. "Oh I'm Bella Monroe what's your name" I asked and she started fangirling. "Oh my gosh there is famous people at my party" she screamed and I started laughing. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and looked at us because she screamed it so loud. "Where" everyone screamed at the same time. "Come on let's go I don't want attention" I said tugging on Edwards arm. "We need to find Alice" he said and we started walking around. "Alice come on" we said at the same time. She turned around and we were both disappointed in what we saw. She was drinking....."ALICE" we both screamed and she walked over in a crooked line. Great she's drunk. I grabbed her arm and Edward grabbed her other one and we had to try and help her walk. "Why did you have to break your promise" I asked and she looked at me and laughed and touched my nose. "Boop I got your nose" she said laughing and I was trying not to laugh at her because she might get mad, I don't know what kind of drunk she is she could be dangerous.

That's when I saw dads car driving around......He pulled up beside us and me and Edward just looked at each other both thinking oh crap. Dad and Uncle Dahvie both got out of the car and the crossed their arms. "It is four in the morning where were you three" Dahvie asked and they grabbed Alice. "Daaaad....can we go get....get ice cream" she said looking at dad and I tried not to laugh. "She's drunk" dad said looking very angry. "We went to a party but we didn't drink well she did but we didn't, dad I promise we all three made a promise but apparently she broke it" I said and they sat her down in the car and walked over to us. "Breathe" they said to us at the same time and we breathed in their faces. "Ok they're telling the truth" Dahvie said and we all got in the car. "When we get home I want you all to go straight to bed, we will talk to you about this in the morning" dad said and we walked in and he carried Alice and put her in my bed. "Be careful" he said and he locked my doors so she couldn't get out if she woke up. "Love you sweetie goodnight" he said and he kissed me on the forehead. "Love you too night" I said and I went to sleep.

The next morning

"Ugh y head hurts" Alice said and I handed her some aspirin and a glass of water. "You broke your promise" I said and she could tell I was upset. "I'm sorry I don't know what happened" she said and I could tell she actually felt bad. "Did Jasper talk you into it" I asked her. "I can't remember" she answered and we had to go downstairs to talk with Dad. He was giving Alice a death stare and I could tell she was uncomfortable. "I'm not going to tell your parents but if you do this again I'm going to have to" he said and she let out a deep breath. "Your parents are coming in ten minutes I already told them that you had a really bad stomach ache as your cover up story but here keep putting these in your mouth" he said handing her some breath mints. "Thank you" she said and she hugged him. Her parents got there and she left and I had to get ready to go to meet my Godfather. "Is Edward and Dahvie coming"I asked and he shook his head yes. "Well duh he's Edwards Godfather too" he said and I ran upstairs to get ready. My dad had bought me a lot of band march but I didn't really know who any of the bands were because I had mainly listened to country music before I was adopted.

I put on a pink silky dress that was tight at the too and loose at the bottom and put on sandals with it. Then I curled my hair and put on some mascara and eyeliner. "You look beautiful" Edward said as I walked downstairs and I smiled. "Thanks" I said and I hugged him. "Alright lets go" Dahvie said and we got in the car. It took us a half hour to get there. I knew a couple of bands now because I listened to music on the way there and I looked up pictures of the band members just so I would know. When we got there a guy with short black hair let us in I can't believe who my new Godfather was, and neither would Alice!!!!

Can you guess who it is? Peace out girl/boy scouts

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