Chapter Fourteen - Preparation

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Alfred stood staring back at his reflection in a mirror. He wore a classic black tuxedo with a white dress shirt and a bow tie, a suit made to be worn at weddings. He smiled.
He was getting married.

At the same time, his fiancé, Arthur Kirkland was on the phone with his oldest brother, Sean. The two had kept in touch after Arthur had left his childhood home, and usually called each other about once a month.

"So what's new with you, bro?" His brother spoke energetically, in a bright Irish accent.
"Lots-" The Brit was cut off.
Jesus Christ. "I'm getting married."

Arthur had to pull his ear away from the phone to prevent being deafened, as he was unaware his brother could actually screech at 140 Decibels.

"Sean please calm down, I literally cannot understand a single word you're saying."

Sounds of a phone getting pulled out of Sean's hands came from the phone's receiver.

"Hey little bro, it's Dylan. Can you please explain why Sean is having a seizure on the living room floor?" Arthur's third oldest brother, Dylan Kirkland's voice came through the phone. Arthur laughed.
"I'm getting married to Alfred Jones."


"Alfred Jones. As in THE Alfred Jones." Dylan asked.
"Yes. Prince Alfred F. Jones. As in the guy I've been dating for the past year." Arthur sighed. "You're either ignorant, or a complete idiot."
"Alistor says I'm both." Dylan laughed.


The next few weeks were busy, with Alfred and Arthur having to find all of the necessities for their wedding. Luckily for them, they had help from Alfred's mother, who knew what she was doing, unlike the two men. The real barrier was Alfred's father.

"Lucy." The King spoke in regards to Alfred's mother. "What are you doing?"
"Well, I'm helping our son and soon-to-be son in-law-" The Queen put her arm around Arthur's shoulders. "Plan their wedding. What are you doing?" She said sharply to her husband. Her blue eyes bore into the King's brown ones.
"I'm sorry, but all of you do realize that same-sex marriage isn't legal in our territory?" The King snapped. Alfred was ready to lunge at his father's throat.
"It is now." The Queen stated smartly. Everyone stared at her.
"I passed the law last week. Didn't you get the memoir?" She smirked.
"You can't do that-" The King started, but the Queen promptly cut him off.
"Why can't I? I'm the queen after all, and I get as much superiority as the King does..." She smirked.

Alfred and Arthur were both unsure whether to laugh or simply stare in amazement.

"James." The Queen said softly. "I know this isn't what you expected. But this is what Alfred wants. He's happy."
"We're right here." Alfred mumbled. "And dad... If you disapprove of me and Arthur, we can leave. I'm not just your heir. I'm your son. But if you don't want me around, I won't be."

The room was silent. Alfred was surprised at how calm he felt. His father however, was boiling.

"Alfred F. Jones. You are this kingdom's heir whether you like it or not, and you-"
"I'm not the only heir! Mattie is fine, why do you insist on it being me?!" The Prince cried out.
"Well it's clear it's not because of your mental stability!" Alfred's father snapped, causing Alfred to stagger back, hurt. He could see the blood in the corners of his eyes. Arthur rushed over to his side and held him softly.

His father was the reason everything fell apart. Why couldn't he let Alfred live his life? Clearly he didn't know about Alfred's scars, if he did he surely would never be that cruel.

Alfred's mother stood up and walked towards the King. She stood nearly as tall as him, looked him straight in the eyes, and slapped him across the face.
"You cannot talk to our son like that. If your barbaric behaviour continues, you can find yourself another Queen."

The room was silent once again.

"Lucy..." The King sighed. "I'm sorry."
"It's Alfred you have to apologize to. And I'm not sure he'll accept your apology." The Queen snapped.
The King turned to Alfred and Arthur, who were both standing right beside each other. Alfred grabbed his fiancé's hand.

"Alfred... I'm sorry. It's apparent that things aren't the same way they were as when I was raised. It's hard for me to change everything I was told as a child so suddenly."
Alfred's blue eyes remained steady, his breath unwavering. He didn't say anything, just sustained a hard stare.
"I get it Dad. But things change. And if you can't accept that, I'll leave."
"I can try." Is all the King said as he left the room.

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