Chapter Six - I think your Brother ships us

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Arthur and Alfred got home later than planned, as it was nearly 9:45 by the time they arrived back at the palace.
To Arthur's surprise, nobody seemed to be around but Matthew, who sat in the main room playing on his phone.

"Hey Mattie, We're back." Alfred looked around. "Where's mom and dad?"
Matthew looked up. "I dunno. I've been distracted, Pokemon Go just came out in Canada."
"Mattie, we're not even in Canada."
"I know."

Alfred rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen. He looked to Arthur. "Want anything?"
Arthur felt hot. He didn't quite know why. "No thanks. I'll just be upstairs, I need to take a shower."
"You okay?" Arthur turned around and looked Alfred straight in the eyes. The Prince seemed genuinely concerned.
"I'm fine."

After Arthur left, Mattie looked up from his phone and stared at Alfred with a smirk on his face.
"What's that look for?" Alfred asked him.
"Did you guys fuck, or is it just naturally awkward between you two?"

Alfred stopped everything he was doing and took a moment to register this.

"What the actual shit, Mattie?!"
"What? It's a genuine question!"
"My god, Mattie! Are you serious?"
Mattie smirked. "So you're still a virgin at the age of 18?"
Alfred threw a slice of bread at Mattie's head.
"Shut up Mattie, at least I have a partner."
"So that's where we're going with that?"
"Sure. Whatever."
"You give no shits anymore."

Alfred waved his hand in front of his brother's face. "You see this Mattie? This is my last fuck." He opened his palm. "It's gone now. I have no fucks left to give."
"I thought you'd be saving that for your boyfriend."
Alfred let out a loud, exasperated sigh. "I give up. You're so immature."
Matthew laughed. "Not like you're any better!"


Alfred clambered his way up to his room, opened the door and was greeted by Arthur's high pitched squeal.
Arthur's hair was very wet, and he only had a towel around his lower half. He flared red, obviously not very pleased on being walked in on half naked.

"Oh my god, Artie! I'm sorry!" Alfred stuttered, blushing a deep red.
"Then why the bloody hell are you still standing there staring?!" Arthur shrieked.

Alfred heard Matthew's laughter from downstairs.

Half of Alfred's mind was telling him to be polite and civilized and look away. The other half was telling him to keep staring. Eventually Alfred caved to the more reasonable half and looked away, cowering in the corner of the room.
"My god Alfred."
"I said I'm sorry!"
Arthur let out an exasperated sigh as he gathered up his clothes and went to change in the bathroom.

Alfred turned around and plopped down on his bed, feeling extremely embarrassed.
God, I hope I didn't humiliate him.
Alfred's mind began to wander, as he wondered if he actually felt anything for Arthur or if the act was just getting to his head. Either way, he knew he couldn't ignore it and would have to do something eventually, just not now.

"Alfred?" Arthur's voice rang out. Alfred whipped his head around. The British boy was still rather red in the face, seemingly nervous. "What are you doing?"
Alfred chuckled nervously. "I have no idea."
"How long do you plan to go on with this? You haven't even been looking for anyone, it's almost like-" Arthur stopped. "Listen, Alfred. I'm straight."
"I thought I was straight too, until I realized I wasn't."
"Alfred." Arthur's voice was strained.
"I don't know what the hell's happening, Artie. I don't know what I'm feeling, but to be honest, I don't mind."
Alfred stood up and grabbed Arthur's hands.
"Artie, I know you don't feel the same way about me. I don't mind. I can respect that. Just let me stay with you for a little while longer until I figure out what I'm doing."

Arthur blushed profusely and looked at his feet.
"Artie, please don't hate me. I'm sorry-" Alfred's words were cut off.

Arthur was kissing him, very gently, on the lips.

It was nothing serious, just a simple quick peck on the lips. Arthur pulled away from Alfred, blushing a deep crimson. Alfred wasn't really sure what just happened.

"Alfred, I may be a bit gayer than I originally planned."

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