Chapter One - Arranged Marriage

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Prince Alfred F. Jones woke to the sound of rapid knocking on his bedroom door. He groaned and rolled over, trying to make whoever was at the door go away.

"Your Highness, your father requests you join him at the dining table immediately." A man's voice came from the other side of the door.
"Can you not tell him five more minutes?" The Prince groaned, combing his hands through his dirty blonde hair. His blinked his dark blue eyes blearily, and reached desperately for his glasses.
"I'm sorry your highness, but I can't." The man on the other side of the door opened it, poking his head in to be a 19 year old, well dressed British man with light blonde hair and deep green eyes that reminded Alfred of a forest. "I understand there's an important event today, though I'm not quite sure what it's all about."

Alfred shrugged, and began hastily getting dressed. The man, Arthur Kirkland, had been Alfred's personal butler for three years now, and a close friend of the prince's even though Arthur would most likely deny that and call it a 'work relationship'.

After Alfred was fully dressed, he slid down the staircase railing while Arthur protested, claiming it was dangerous, but he had never taken any real precautions against it. Alfred didn't really care.
Stairs were for peasants. 
Alfred sat himself down at the dining table, greeting his parents with a 'good morning'. His brother, Matthew, was nowhere to be seen, most likely still sleeping.

"Today's an important day. I expect you to be properly dressed and presentable for the ceremony this morning." Alfred's father, the king, told him. He was a large man, with brown eyes and the same dirty blonde hair as Alfred's, but nicely combed unlike Alfred's untameable locks, which had a cowlick which would not lay flat, no matter what Alfred did to try to keep it under control.

"I would, but nobody's told me what's going on today." Alfred told him, as he ate his breakfast.
The king made a snort-like noise.
"There's a wedding today, Alfred." His mother informed him. She was a kind woman, with blue eyes and brown hair swept up into a regal bun.
"Who's getting married?" Alfred asked, continuing to shovel food into his mouth.

At this point, Arthur had left, most likely to try and help Matthew's butler, a young Japanese man named Kiku Honda, wake him up.

Alfred's mother looked to his father, with a confused look on her face. The king huffed again.
"You are, Alfred." The king said, with a tone like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Alfred choked on his breakfast.

"What?! Nobody told me!"
"Your bride's name is Elizabeta. She's a princess from a kingdom over in Europe." The King told him.
"She's very pretty." The Queen added.
"It doesn't matter if she's pretty, I've never even met the girl! How do I know what she's like?" Alfred protested.
"You sound like a child, Alfred." The King huffed. "That's just how things like these work."
"I can't marry a woman I've never met!" Alfred raised his voice.
"Well, you're going to have to suck up and do it! There's no way you can avoid this one, Alfred." The king told him. He sat back and crossed his arms, like he was completely done with the subject.

Alfred made a sound of exasperation and left the table. He could hear his mother calling after him, but he honestly didn't care.


Alfred found himself being dragged down the hallway by his mother, towards where the wedding was being held.
"Now, please Alfred, cooperate. Princess Elizabeta is a lovely girl. I'm sure you won't have any problems." The Queen told him.
"I have no idea who she is. That's a bit of a problem." Alfred told her.
"Don't get sarcastic with me, Allie. You will marry this princess and live a lovely life together. I went through the same thing when I was your age and if I chickened out, you wouldn't be alive." His mother snapped at him.
Alfred groaned.

Alfred found himself facing a young woman, around the same age as him, with long wavy chocolate brown hair and bright green eyes. She bowed politely to the young prince. She wore a wedding dress, but looked as uneasy as Alfred felt. It was apparent she wasn't super excited about this either.

"I can get us out of this." Alfred said quietly, so only the princess could hear.
"That'd be nice." The princess responded. "Do you have a plan?"
"Yeah, but I'm not sure what it is yet." Alfred muttered.

"Are we ready to get on with the ceremony?" The priest who had been called to wed the two interrupted with his clichéd, nasally voice. He seemed like a snotty old man who would probably faint from the plan Alfred had. He had to get out of this though. He promised himself, and he had basically promised the princess.

Alfred made eye contact with Arthur Kirkland as he jerked away from Elizabeta. "I'm sorry, but I can't marry her."
"Alfred F. Jones..." His father growled.

Alfred grabbed his butler's arm as he declared -
"I can't marry the princess because I am in love with Arthur Kirkland!"

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