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After crying himself to sleep, Harry suddenly woke up in the middle of the night when he heard someone whisper his name with a smug tone. " Harryy." Harry almost choke on air and he started to get very warm in hus clothes.

" W-what do y-you want?" Harry cracked in hus voice when tried to sound brave. " I just want to play with you." He looked around in the dark room trying to find the owner of the voice. All he could see was sillohuette beside his bed.

" L-Louis?" He stuttered and tried to crawl away from the shape. " Rose wants to meet you Hazza." Harry's eyes widened and the next second Louis threw himself over him and pushed the dagger right through his heart.

" Aaargh!" Harry screamed and opened his eyes in fear. He was still in the dark, cold and lonely room. He realized it was all just a nightmare. Even though he already lived in one.

" What happened?!" Without warning Louis hurried inside and held his dagger in a firm grip. He turned on the light and saw a breathless Harry on the bed. Only his ankles was still tied to the bed.

" Just a nightmare." Harry replied and avoided eye-contact. Louis lowered his weapon and nodded. " Oh. Right." Louis didn't really understand, he'd never cared when his victims screamed in the middle of the night.

It's not like Harry was the first one having a nightmare in that room in the night. When Brad screamed for his dear life it felt like music to Louis' ears.

" Don't touch me." Harry said firmly and Louis didn't even realize he'd moved closer towards the bed. His realization made him step back and turned off the light.

" Get out." Harry added, just in case Louis didn't get that. Louis walked out and closed the door and went to bed himself.


Harry woke up by a phone call. He heard Louis curse outside the door and he regonized the signal on the phone. The signal he had set for Niall's phone calls, yes, My Little Pony.

Jokes, but Harry thought it would fit for Niall, because, you know, he's a little princess compared to Liam and Zayn, and of course Louis. Instead he had the Four Seasons. Why? No idea.

It seemed to piss off Louis because he stormed in angrily with Harry's phone in his hand. Harry's hope suddenly grew when he saw the phone. He didn't think Louis would actually keep it.

" Your annoying boyfriend is calling all the time, kid." Harry sat up and shrugged. Trying to hide is excitment that he just saw his phone.

" So? I can't help I'm so popular." Harry said raised an eyebrow at Louis.

" Tell him to fuck off, or else-"

" Or you'll what?!" Harry shouted. " It can't get any worse can it? You've kidnapped me and ruined my family's lives. What else can you do?"

Louis wasn't in the mood for chatting right now so he grabbed the dagger and walked over to Harry and pulled on his hair. " Aargh!" Louis leaned down to Harry's ear while a dark color took over his blue eyes.

" I can find Blondie, Liam or Zayn. Even your damn family and threat, hurt and kill them. It takes at least ten minutes before they die when I've cut their throats. Is that what you want?"

Louis let go off his hair and put the phone in Harry's hand. " Say that you're here and you have a dagger in your back." Harry swallowed and knew Louis wasn't joking around. He pushed the green button on his phone and brought it to his ear.

" Hey...?" Harry replied slowly and he could hear Niall breath out. " Holy fuck, Harry where are you? I've been worried, your mother is even worse..." He could feel hos Harry pushed the dagger against is back and he arched.

" Tell him to stay the hell away, Harry." Harry looked up at Louis and mouthed a ' I can't.'

" Was it something I've said?" Niall continued in the phone with a ruined voice. " Have I done something? I'll do whatever you want, just come back home." Louis was losing his patience and pulled on Harry's hair once again.

" Now." He said harshly against Harry's neck so Niall wouldn't hear.

" Leave me alone, Niall." Harry said coldly, he didn't mean it. But he wanted to spare him all the pain and moment of torture.

" W-what? What did I do?" Niall stuttered and soon his voice would crack because of all the tears. " Nothing just stay away. I don't want you in my life anymore." Harry spat out lie after lie through the phone and Louis couldn't be happier.

" I'm gonna be away for a while. So stay away." Harry said, and that wasn't an entire lie. He knew he wouldn't come home and Niall had to keep his distance.

" Where are you going?" Niall asked. Louis whispered once again against Harry's neck. " Somewhere far away."

" The States." Harry replied with a dry tone. " The what? What are gonna do there? Your life's here." Niall argued. Harry couldn't hold it back anymore, tears started to escape his eyes and Louis noticed. Niall couldn't hear a crying Harry in the phone because he'll knew something was wrong.

So he hung up on Niall and took the phone away from Harry. Harry sobbed loudly and curled up in a ball on the bed. " I said far away not across the fucking ocean." Louis mumbled.

" Fuck you, I hope you rot in hell." Harry shot back and even some saliva left his mouth.

" Oh baby." Louis chuckled and threw down Harry's phone onto the floor. The next second he stepped on it, and had his shoes on, and crushed it immediatley. He then looked up att Harry and gave him a wicked smile.

" I'm already in hell. And so are you."

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