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Iron. That's just what it smells like, that's what it taste like. For Louis, the smell and the taste was his kind of drug. He didn't really need any weed or pills to get high or disappear into another world.

All he needed was blood.

He just had to kill to get what he wanted. It all started when he was thirteen years old. He cut himself by accident on a paper sheet in school and the blood started dripping from his right point finger.

No one seemed to have noticed, he just stared at the red liquid and he had brought it closer towards his lips so he could taste it. When he tasted it, it felt weird first. Very unnatural. But after some time, he started to enjoy the taste in his mouth.

He had seen blood before, of course, but this time something woke up inside him. A feeling he'd never felt before. A desire, he'd never thought he would have.

The first living creature he killed was the neighbor's cat. That happened when he was sixteen. It went pretty fast, drowned it. Then he sure regretted it. That's why he ran away from home. He knew that he would hurt his mother or even his sisters.

He tried to see a light in this dark tunnel he lived in, but he couldn't. He was like a vampire, the only diffrence was that he could walk out in the sun and wasn't scared of garlic. Oh, and no vampire teeths.

But he has done some good things in his life too, like when he killed a man when he tried to rape a girl in an alley. But when the girl tried to thank Louis he just hissed at her to stay away from him. Which she gladly did.

Louis had once stolen a dagger from a slaughterhouse. Surprised? You shouldn't be. This dagger was his darling, it was always with him. Anywhere and anytime. The dagger was used to kill and kill only.

Not to hurt, not to threat, just kill. No one has ever been an exception.

The dagger meant so much for him he even had it tattooed on his left arm.

When he was ninteen, he took a break with the killing. He met someone, someone he cared about very deeply. His name was Brad. Yeah, was.

Brad was the first one he actually kidnapped. When he found out Brad just wanted him for sex and that he was sleeping around with others Louis didn't really get so happy. So he tricked Brad into his car and drove off to a cottage into the woods. Where no one would find them nor hear them.

He held him there for two days before he killed him. Surprisingly, Louis never cried after killing Brad. Brad made him very heartless but Louis didn't mind that.

Heartless just meant that you couldn't get hurt anymore. You could hurt others without caring. Maybe, those who are heartless, once cared too much?

Louis cared about Brad and see how that ended up.

After Brad, he started to kidnap people even more. He liked the idea of having some kind of power over others. Watch them beg for their lifes and cry some before he finished them off.

Louis didn't care anymore. Eveything was a living hell anyway. There was no turning back now. He seemed to be a calm guy on the outside.  Someone you could walk by easily without giving a second glance.

But on the inside, he was living in a detestable chaos. No one could save him, no one could  make him feel better. Ever. Or that's what he thought, until that day...when he saw that curly lad.

Green eyes, just like the forest. Brown hair just like chocolate. Pretty curls. Perfect smile. Smile...he didn't remember the last time he smiled. He'd forgot how to do it.

He was interested in this mysterious boy. He had eveything Louis had ever wanted. A life. He had friends, a great family and of course, a smile.

Louis decided to keep an eye on Harry. He had heard when his friends had been yelling his name outside his school. That's when decided to take a closer look. He showed up in Harry's school by lunch time, he just wanted to see Harry's face.

So he did, but that wasn't enough. He bumped into his shoulder on purpose just to come in contact with him. That made his day.

When he found out that he was singing at the pub, he couldn't stay away either. So he hid himself in the corner and pretended to be a drunk unkown guy that no one would care about anyway.

But someone did, Harry did. He kept his eyes on Louis almost through the whole song. Louis didn't know how to handle his eye-contact at all so he vanished just after the song was over.

That's when he decided that he had to kidnap Harry and he knew exactly how. He knew where he lived and he knew who his family were. All he needed was Harry's cell phone.

If he could steal a dagger, it was no match for him to steal a phone from a high person.

It was time for Harry to meet the dagger. Not directly, but in time.

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