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When Harry woke up the next morning he almost forgot what happened the other night. He remember singing in front very many people in the pub and getting invited to Zayn's party.

Then there was this mysterious guy in the corner, then he disapared just after he finished the first song. But Harry didn't have much time to think about it more until Gemma stomped into the room.

" Time to wake up sunshine!" Harry groaned and pulled a pillow over his head. " It's saturday, Gem. Give me at least five more minutes."

Gemma sat down next to him on the bed and took back the pillow away from him. " It's 1 pm, dummy. You have to eat something." Harry's eyes widened and he sat up.

" I've been sleeping for twelve hours straight?"

" Looks like you have." Gemma pulled him by the hand and dragged him up. " Come on now, Liam and Niall has called you since 10 am. You owe them at least a text."

Harry decided that it was indeed time ti go up and walked down with Gemma.
" Finally found your way out from the pillows and duvet, huh?" Robin said from the living room where he read the newspapers.

Anne walked up to Harry gave him a kiss on the cheek. " I still can't believe you got that job yesterday."

" You're so brave." Gemma said with a playfull tone and starting messing up his hair. Although Harry knew she meant what she said.

" Zayn invited me to a party at his place tonight." Harry said while he started eating from a bowl full of cereals.

" Who the hell is Zayn?" Genma asked and Harry realized that he hadn't even told them what has happened the previous school day.

After a looong talk with everyone about what happened in the school and how his friends helped him and all the kind words Zayn had told Harry, Gemma couldn't help but say;

" Is Zayn Jesus or...?"

" Yeah you can say that." Harry replied. After some time Harry walked up to his room and called Liam.

" Heeey Harry, what's up? Finally awake huh?"

" I didn't realize how tired I actually was." Harry said shyly and Liam chuckled. " It's alright. I just wanted to tell you how awesome you were last night."

Harry knew that Liam meant the singing but when both of them realized how wrong that sounded in each others ears it got quiet. " Who the hell are you talking to?"  Harry heard Zayn mutter in the background.

" Did you guys have a sleep over?" Harry said with a raised eyebrow and started searching around in his wardrobe for something to wear.

" Maybe..." Liam said slowly after some hesitation. Harry didn't mind question any further on it. 

" Who was awesome last night?" Zayn continued and didn't care that Harry was on the phone. It could've been Liam's mother and he would still didn't give a single fuck.

" Harry I think it's better if Niall pick you up tonight instead for Zayn's party, I gotta go, bye." 

Harry didn't even have the time to reply anything back before Liam hung up on him. But he had bigger problems now. What should he wear?

Harry texted Niall later asking if he could pick him up for Zayn's party because he had no idea where the bloke lived. Niall replied with a ' of course' and then the day went on pretty fast.


The first thing Harry could smell in the house when he walked in was alcohol. He had been drinking before, but never so much that he could barely walk home.

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