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May 44, 2141

The cold gushes of wind rocked the house, interrupting the silence of the night. Gerald's paper thin, wide, transparent, Ultra-Super High Definition TV illuminated the dimly lit room with reruns of Seinfeld. There sits Gerald, upon his mighty throne, a couch that seems to have not been maintained since Jerry Seinfeld was born. Tools are littered around the room, all but his, which stays firm in the spot it always has. In his hands are a small metallic cube, almost like a rubix cube made from a dirty steel. He sits there tinkering with it, just like he used to tinker with his own equipment when he was a teen, thinking about his now-wife. He sounds as though he is doing that very thing.

"I've done it!" Gerald exclaims, jumping up from his throne with excitement.

"Done what, Daddy?" a woman calls from the other room.

"I love playing the pronoun game with you, baby doll! My time machine, hubba hubba!" Gerald says, sounding almost like a madman.

The woman begins to walk toward the next room, her footsteps getting closer and closer.

"Where ya gonna go, hun?" Tempest asks, with curiosity.

"Far away from you!" Gerald jokes, sounding as nefarious as Stalin's 5th cousin, 8 times removed.

"Stop sounding like Stalin's 5th cousin, 8 times removed, Richard Johnson!" Tempest exclaims, with a serious and stern tone.

"Who da fuck is Richard Johnson?" Gerald asks, with rage flowing thought out his Seinfeld-loving veins.

"Ya cock, honey" Tempest replies, with a very, deadly serious tone.

"I'm gonna send this cock back in time, bae!" Gerald exclaims with pure joy in his voice.

"And I'm cummin', too!" Tempest replies, with a sense of demand in her voice.

"No doubt. Let's go test the motherfucking motherfucker!" Gerald bursts, but not as much as he will later!

They rush down to their flight of stairs that leads to their basement, which doubles as their sex dungeon. The room bears the absence of light, until Gerald flicks the light-switch on, bringing the single light bulb that hangs on a rope from the ceiling, to life.

"Hubba hubba, motherfucker!" He shouts at the top of his lungs, following it with several rough sounding gasps.

He sprints over to an incredibly large purple dildo that was erected by Gerald when he was just a child, allowing it to stand tall and firm. Wires and various pieces of machinery are connected to it, making sounds that make them seem something sci-fi in nature.

"Where ya gon' go" Tempest asks with excitement in her voice, sounding just as happy when her Daddy is pleasing her with his big tool.

Gerald slowly raises his head to look at her, grinning as he does so.

"I'm gonna go fix all of this, to go back where it all started" Gerald replies with anger in his voice.

"You're gonna go kill Stalin?" Tempest exclaims in shock.

"I'm not just gonna kill him, I'm gonna make him pay for everything he has done, not only to us, but all of the other Daddies, Mommies and Littles out there" Gerald says, his voice increasing in the amount of menace that is present within it.

"But Daddy..." Tempest says with worry.

"This is something I need to do, Tempie, my life is finally going to mean something"

"Go kill that motherfucker, Daddy" Tempest exclaims, sounding like a complete badass and changing her tone from the previous few moments.

They both grab hold of the shaft of the dildo.

"You ready?" Gerald asks with excitement.

"I'm ready, Daddy" Tempest replies with joy.

Gerald flicks a switch on the side of the dildo, the electricity begins to shoot around the room. The sound from the electricity and the equipment becoming almost deafening.

"WOOOHOOOO HUBBA HUBBA" Gerald shouts with euphoria.

Suddenly, they vanish and the electricity and sounds do just the same.

Gerald and Tempest awake to find themselves laying on a bed, inside a prison cell. Two guards walk by, speaking in Russian.

"Where were we?" Gerald asks, sounding as though he just woke up.

"I don't know, but I didn't feel like myself" Tempest replies.

"What have we done?" Gerald asks with panic in his voice.

"I guess we're just going to have to find out"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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