Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

            Aurora crept quietly in the front door and made her way down the hall toward the temporary living arrangement Irene had laid out for her. The sound of a television caused her to stop half way down the hall and looked into the living room.

            On the long couch laid Jonathon, his wings folded around him. He must have waited up for me, she thought with a sigh. Then a quiet moan came from within Jonathon’s arms. He shifted and his wing fell away to reveal Amber’s tiny figure. She was softly nestled by a bed of feathers, her face hidden by Jonathon’s chest. “How can I compete with her?” Aurora asked in a whisper as she leaned against the door frame.

            Jonathon’s eyes fluttered then opened. He looked straight at her. “Aurora?” Jonathon asked as he rubbed her eyes lazily with one hand and held on to Amber tighter with the other.

            “Yes?” she asked quietly.

            “Are you just getting home?” he asked fully awake now.

            “Yes,” she replied refusing to meet his eyes.

            “Where were you?” he asked pulling himself to a seated position. He lifted Amber into his lap; she moaned and sighed when she had found a more comfortable position.

            “I was…” she sighed and shrugged nervously, “nowhere ok.”

            “I don’t believe you,” Jonathon stated plainly, “I can see the guilt in your eyes, so tell me now.”

            “Ok fine I was with Marco, you happy now?” the question rolled off her tongue quicker then she could think it through and ended in sort of a yell. Jonathon just stared at her in disbelief, and then finally shifted his gaze elsewhere.

            “Why?” he asked after a long time.

            “Why what?” 

            “Why did you go to see him?” he asked this time looking at her. His gaze was like a mental slap in the face but what got her most was the sad look of understanding.

            “I don’t know,” she sighed, “I guess after everything that’s happened I still feel drawn to him, it doesn’t make it right but it doesn’t make it untrue.” Aurora closed her mouth tight. Had she really just said that? She thought.

            “Just as I’m drawn to Amber,” he stated. His words echoed in her head and she found she couldn’t help look to where he was seated. Jonathon was weeping silently to himself. Amber’s body still lay buried but with every short breath and almost silent sob she would stir a little. Aurora slipped out when she could take no more and fought every urge to run as she walked down the hall.


            I woke suddenly and rubbed my eyes. Last thing I remembered was taking a shower and crawling into Jonathon's open arms to watch television. Must have fallen asleep with him, I thought with a yawn. I opened my eyes and gazed up at Jonathon's blood shot ones.

            “What's wrong?” I asked suddenly concerned and all to awake.

            “Nothing,” Jonathon chocked, then cleared his throat and added; “I'm fine don't worry.”

            I stared into his eyes a long time then stated plainly, “You obviously aren't going to tell me so I should go get dresses before my mom wakes up,” I stood and added, “you know you can tell me things, I won't tell the world or even my cat if you don't want me to.” I walked away from him with my head down. I’d made it half way to the door before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. He hid his face in my shoulder blades and wrapped his wings around us, sheltering us both from the world. 

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