( man I am freaking out inside ) I take a deep breath in and then do a set of hand signs ( in 1.132 seconds new personal record! ) then in a puff of white smoke . Well after It disappeared what stood before the two Jonin was a giant black wolf ( for yours truly Chika ) . Then with in a couple of seconds 25 of them were there!I turned back and then the Jonin looked through the papers on there desk and then they spoke .

" Akai Inuzuka you have passed the exam come and receive your headband."

( shreeking internally )

I chose a black one as it went with my outfit. ( and black is standardly epic)

I finally made it back to the classroom and as soon as I sat down I was attacked by the hug panda.

" Yay! You made it I am so happy that you did. " Said Tenten hugging me.( very tightly)

" Hay you know I need to breath too you know." I gasped . As she loosened her hug I started hugging her back. Soon after that they started chatting about the most random of things.( weapons, new weapons , favorite weapons, weapon mastery) and then the end of the day came and all the students left the building.

Akai and Tenten's parents were waiting for them outside to congratulate them for passing the exam and becoming ninja.(yay Steel is here too! ) after another round of hugs I went and searched the crowd for Chika. Only to find him playing with my younger cousin Kiba .

" hay cuz how was your day " I said as I gave him a giant hug. Well he didn't mind.

Just then Something else caught my eye. It was a girl( seemed very shy) . Hanging out by the one tree alone. Suddenly Chika ran at high speed straight towards her ( crud this is not gonna end well ! * swear words in head*) .

Chika stopped right in front of her ( hallelujah he didn't run her over) doing the playful puppy expression.

The girl just giggles and hugged Chika ( wth - what the hell ) . I slowly, very cautiously came towards her trying not to look threatening .

"Hay ." I said sitting down next to her . She jumped a little ( crud hope I don't scare the living daylighting out of her.)

"Oh! H..h ...hi " she said ( man she IS shy)

" I see you have met my dog . He seems to really like you, believe me he doesn't like a lot of people from the start . I said patting Chika .

" really?!" She said

" Yeah and anyone he likes from the start I think are the best people to have as friends"( smooth move to a new friend ) I said

" w..w..well if you think maybe we could be friends" she said fidgeting her fingers.

" I think that's a great idea and don't be afraid to come to me if you need any help" I smiled and gave her a hug before I left.( with Chika)

I eventually found Tenten and our parents

" hay Akai guess what. Your mom is coming home from her squad's mission today!"

Said Tenten almost as excitingly as I was to see my mom. Since my mom was a jounin with a chunin squad they were out of the village a lot of the time. I really haven't met her students but they seemed nice when she talked about their progress. Now I was going to see her after graduating and I haven't seen her in 2 months. ( great mom always their for the important events in life)

Now as we arrived at my house for the celebration. My mom was waiting in the kitchen making dinner ( her food is always a treat). Tenten and I went upstairs while the adults talked downstairs . We soon decided to jump out the window into the garden with Chika right behind us . We got bored after a hour of playing with Chika in the garden. So we went inside where we met the parents talking then they turned to us an told us that we would be heading to the festival tonight as our reward for graduating .

This was the largest festival of the year and everyone went . Their were stall of all colors and lanterns lit up the roads and courtyards . Their was food, weapons , clothes , weapons , exotic animals , weapons , furniture , weapons, plants and of corse WEAPONS!

Tenten and I were in heaven ( also the exotic animals were the second reason ) we decide to collect the collectible of our collections . We had to get some of these exotic weapons from very far and distant lands.

This was how most of the fair that night went . After we had diner we set out again among the stalls and courtyards . Suddenly their was a shriek from a courtyard two streets away.

Tenten and I instantly ran in the direction of the scream. And as soon as we got their we had to battle through a crowd of people. All talking to each other about something . I got only a couple of words through our rush to get though .

" did you see it"

" I have never thought this would happen"

"that beast is a monster of in golden foil"

We had finally pushed our way through only to find ....


And what a cliff hanger! so very early release and I am working on chapter two as we speak .

So want to find out what has caused chaos at the festival

Then leave a comment and praise of this chapter


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