Really cool Relative

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John looks like the guy in the picture above but more buff.

Eddy POV
When we got home we went swimming in the pool. I backflipped into the pool. We're gonna get a slide soon so we can slide into the pool. We started recording a pool trickshot video. We had a mini basket ball net. Rob had a mini basketball and jumped into the pool while throwing it to Preston then Preston jumped in throwing it to Lachlan jumped in the pool throwing it to Vikk and Vikk jumped in throwing it to Steve and Steve jumped in throwing it to Jerome and Jerome jumped in throwing it to Mitch and Mitch jumped in throwing it to me and I jumped in while throwing the ball into the basket. We all then got a stone and skimmed it across the pool into a bucket. We did a few more Trickshots and at the end we all had a nerd gun fight. The teams were Steve and I, Mitch and Jerome, Vikk and Lachlan and Preston and Rob. I jumped into the pool while doing a 360 and shot Jerome. A few minutes later it was me and Preston left. Preston pretty good at Call Of Duty so I'm kinda scared I sneak up to him but he turns around and shoots I jump so it misses me and I shoot but Preston dodges he charges at me as I run away. He shoots a bullet and it about to hit me in the back but I backflip to dodge it while hitting him on the cheek. Steve and I start bragging then shoot all of them. They all look at eachother. Mitch carries me and Jerome carries Steve and they throw us into the pool but I used my telekinesis to move Mitch so he falls in and I start laughing I go in the deep end then create and invisible air bubble and play with my thumbs. After a while I go back up and dry myself off. Steve and I take a flight for a while but decide to walk after a few minutes. While we are walking we hear someone.

"Eddy, Steve!" I hear a guy say with a smile on his face.

The guy is a tank and is wearing one of those hoodies with short sleeves and looks about 19.

"Erm sorry do I know you?" I ask.

The guys has a confused face then a face like he figured something out.

"Oh you've never been told, Well I'm your cousin," He says.

"I have a cousin! Wow well I don't really remember any of my relatives except my family," I say.

"My names John and I'm 17," John says.

"Wait how do you know me?" Steve asks.

"I'm your cousin as well," John Says.

"Wait so that means we're related!" Steve and I scream in unison.

"Also I have powers as well," John says while holding a flame in his hand kind of hiding it.

"How come Steve doesn't have powers?" I say with a confused look on my face.

"His powers are special and need some time to be unlocked also you got your powers when you were born for some reason," John says to me.

"Oh cool," Steve says.

We talk a bit more and give eachother our numbers.

"Nice meeting you man," I say.

"You too," He replies.

We hug him and then start to fly home. When we get back home we go downstairs. We order some pizza. We watch a movie while we are eating our dinner, when I go to bed I just think off John and some other stuff until I eventually fall asleep.

Dream 1

I see Steve chained into a chair but he breaks out of it. He starts to kick a door and then people come inside the room. Some of them have guns Steve spreads his hands out as some of the people shoot and time slows down A bullet is about to touch Steve but it gets deflected and goes the other way. Time goes back to normal and some of the people are dead it's only 3 left. They get up and one of them punches Steve. He falls to the ground but gets back up he kicks the man and he gets out of the door Steve goes out of the door to a bigger room and a desk. The guy goes at Steve but he shoots out something out of his hand and the guy dies. Another guys comes at Steve but he creates this sharp thing and throws it through the man and the man dies. The last man is a tank and looks about 6'7 he goes up to Steve and kicks him and Steve goes flying into the wall.  The man grabs a gun and is about to shoot him until air comes out of Steves hand and the bullet gets directed to him. Steve gets out of the room and is in the middle of nowhere then flys into the air and flys away.

Dream 2

I see John running away from something until something grabs him back he turns to the thing and it's a person he has a knife and slashes the back of Johns arm, John kicks the man and he goes flying into a wall the man then gets a small dagger and throws it at him. He dodges it. The man charges at him and is about to kick him but John grabs his leg and throws him in the air so he hits the ceiling the man looks nearly dead but he throws another knife at John which just about scratched his leg. John grabs his leg. The man throws some more knifes at John but he dodges all of them John charges at the man but the man kicked him. Jon carries him in the air then throws him on the ground. The man is bleeding a lot and isn't moving. The man then brings out another knife but throws it really badly. John then Gets fire in his hand and directs it at the man.

End of Dreams

I wake up and wake up Steve then tell him about both of my dreams.

So I'm ending the chapter here this is just when eddy meets a new family member called John his cousin and then has some dreams and some other stuff (I say stuff too much and stuff XD) So that is all I wanted to say. Please




And I will see you all later bye my TBNR's

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