Adopted By The Pack

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(A/N sorry for the bold letters watt pad glitched on me but the next chapter won't be like this so go on read the story)

Eddy POV

"Edmund!!!" Ms Demont screamed.

I ran downstairs.

"Why haven't you mopped the floor!" she shouted.

"I thought that was Jack's job?" I asked.

"Poor Jack can't do it because YOU kicked him in the leg!" she screeched

"What I would never do that," I said.

I actually would

"He told me you did, so now you have to mop the floor!" she said even louder than before

"I already did my chores and 12 other people's chores" I moaned in annoyance.

She slapped me on the face,really hard.

Great after Jack's chores that means that I have done everyone's chores.

Everyone fakes to be hurt when they are not I have tried the same but they usually say I hurt them.

After Jack's chores I decided to watch one of Preston's videos.It was called "A Big Announcement".

"Hey what going on guys Preston here," he said,
"And today I have got an announcement to make,I am going to adopt a boy around the age 11-15 and he will live with the pack in our house," He said

It's around 7:00 a.m. And I have to make breakfast.I'm literally like a slave in this orphanage.(I forgot to mention I'm in an orphanage with really horrible people.)I made pancakes for breakfast with maple syrup.I got responses like "Mine's too hot," or "Mine's too cold,". Ms Demont said hers was too cold so she smacked be on the arm,It stung like a bee.I went upstairs to watch one of Mitch's Hunger Games."Edmund!!!"Ms Demont said.

(I like to call her Ms Demon).I put on a green minecraft creeper shirt,a pair of green jeans and green and black high tops. I ran downstairs but on the second last step Jack tripped me I fell and bumped my head,I couldn't see or hear properly.It went from oldest to youngest and I'm the youngest in this orphanage.Im 13.People usually don't come down to the end,but to my surprise someone did,well two men did.One of them was about 5'9,he had brown hair in a a wavy pattern and brown eyes,the other one was about 5'11 also with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hi I'm Rob," one of them said. "Hey I'm Preston,what's your name?"

"Edmund but you can call me Eddy," I said in a happy tone.

"I'm going to ask you questions ok," he said.

"Do you like gaming?" he asked.

"Who doesn't?". I said.

"Ok next question,Do you like minecraft?" he asked

"Yes it's my favourite game," I responded.

"Ok that's all," he said.

"Ok bye," I said

We all just wait in this room to see who gets adopted.

"You're never going to be adopted you're too messy," Jack said.

Then Jack kicked me in the leg.I got angry,really angry.I jumped and kicked him in the face.I do martial arts.Everyone was looking at me like I am famous.

I just say "practice makes perfect,".

"Edmund!!!" Ms Demon screams.

"I guess I'm getting adopted,see you Jack I never liked you or anyone here,".

I do a backhand spring and kick his chin.I do backhand springs until I am next to Ms Demon.She is arguing about them adopting me.

"Don't adopt him he is messy and unorganised!" I hear her say.

I mouth the words "I'm not" to them.

"I've decided I'm adopting him no matter what!" Preston said.

I had a smile around my face.

"Go and get your bags and stuff," he said.

I get my IPad Mini and all of my clothes.

"Dude how did you do that back there?"Rob asked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"That backflip thingie," he responded.

"Oh I practice a lot and do karate and gymnastics and I also like to dance,"I replied.

"We're home," Preston said.

"Everyone come meet Eddy!" Preston yelled.

Everyone came downstairs.

"Everyone this is Eddy," Preston said

"Hey," they chorused

(A/N So I hope you enjoyed the first Chapter of ABTP (Adopted By The Pack) so I will see you later.




Bye my TBNR's (yes that's what I'm calling you guys)

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