Meeting Memories

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Eddy POV

I woke up pretty early at like 5 a.m. And I couldn't go back to sleep. So I took a flight. It was pretty dark so I used my night vision power. I was flying over the street until I saw her. Is that her. No it's not. Wait it might be. I flew down to the bench.

"Angel is that you?!" I scream/ask.

"OMG Eddy!" She screams.

Angel is 12 like me. She has light brown eyes, dark brown hair, a light blue hoodie, a pink skirt and her signature purple glasses and handkerchief with a paw on it. She is also a wolf hybrid. We were best friends in 2nd grade but she moved away. She also knows about my powers.

"Did you move back here?" I asked.

"Yeah my dad got a new job here," she replies.

We talk a bit more and then she gives me her number.

I flew back home and it was about 7a.m. Steve and I showered and changed and then ate some breakfast. Rob drove us to school. When we got there Dylan and Alex surprised us and started beating me and Steve up. We were about to faint until I heard.

"Leave them alone!"

I recognised that voice, it was Angels. She punched Alex and Dylan. I kicked Alex in the face and punched Dylan as well and they walked away.

"Thanks for saving us and you came to this school as well?" I asked/said.

"No problem and yep I knew you went to this school so I decided to go as well," She replied.

I noticed I had all the same classes with her.

Time skip to the end of school.

"Wanna come to my house?" I ask Angel.

"Ok," she says

"I also have a pool so get a swimsuit," I tell her. Angel only like like a 2minute walk from me which is like 30 seconds by car. Steve and I get picked up by Jerome while Angel gets picked up by her dad.

A few minutes later when Angel comes and they are going to go in the pool.

We all run in and jump in the pool. I do a side flip, Steve does a front flip and Angel does a backflip. I give Steve my power to breathe underwater. We play Marco Polo.

After like 7000000000 games of Marco Polo

"It's getting late I think I should go home," Angel says.

"Ok," I say.

She gets out of the pool and changes.

I go to he door to say bye to her.

"Bye," I say.

"Bye," she says.

She turns into a wolf and runs back to her house. I close the door, change and Steve and I go on our devices. We're watching a YouTube video then Mitch comes into our room.

"We're going to record then do a Livestream after the recording.

Yay cliffhanger ish so that was chapter 11 of ABTP sorry it was so short I don't really feel inspired and this chapter is mostly dedicated to me meeting angle. Shoutout to Holywolfangel . So that is all I wanted to say please




And I will see you guys later by my awesome TBNR's.

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