Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Evie awoke to the sound of muffled snores echoing throughout the flat. She rose to her feet and searched the lounge to discover Soph’s face buried in a pillow, drool seeping out the gap of her mouth, complete with the snore which woke Evie. She decided it was payback time.

Tip-toeing as quiet as she possibly could, she sped to the cupboard in the bathroom below the sink and reached inside to uncover her most treasured watergun. She tried her best to add more water to the gun as sneakily as possible and gave herself a sly wink in the mirror for a little encouragement. Evie tip-toed once more into the lounge and stood at the end of the couch Soph had claimed, and shot a long wispy stream of water onto Sophie’s face. She awoke with a look of absolute confusion and hatred at the same time in her eyes. She decided to play with the hatred card. Evie ran.

“Just wait ‘til I get a hold of you, Palmer!” Soph screamed throughout the flat as soon as she could escape from the super-soaked blanket she now had clinging to her.

* * *

Once Soph had caught up with Evie, she gave her one large punch in the arm, accompanied with a hard flick to the forehead. “One of these days Palmer, one of these days..” Soph said with a hint of sarcasm. “I may forgive you, if you buy lunch. It’s clearly your turn.” She added.

“You got it. Admit it though, that was bloody hysterical.” Evie proudly stated. “Genius idea, if I do say so myself.” They decided that their ideal lunch right now would be a nice upbeat suburban cafe that sold the best peanut butter and banana bagel, and was located just around the corner. They got dressed and headed out.

“Tell me again, how did I manage to have to buy this meal? Sure I only bought us a take away last night.” Said Evie, shaking her head at her best friend.

“Must just be such a sucker for besties!” Argued Soph. “You’re welcome.”

Having thoroughly enjoyed their lunch, which was more of a brunch, they decided to head down to the local bar ‘Serenade’ that night, which had an acoustic set showing which Evie wanted to see desperately. The band playing were called Indirect Lust and consisted of 5 members; Finlay, Eric, Tyler, Jason and Ryan. The boys were all friends of Evie, which is the reason Evie wanted to see them so badly. It was all support. Not because of the music being played, despite however good she was at faking it. Music which entailed screaming as opposed to singing, was not Evie’s cup of tea.

She had known for some time that Indirect Lust were playing at this venue, and had the slight curiosity whether Soph would kick it off with any of the boys. Oh, she’s going to be head over heels for Ryan, I just know it. Evie thought to herself, with her eyes wandering to Soph and giving herself a cheeky smirk. 

“Seeing as the gig isn’t until later on tonight, what do you feel like doing to waste some time babe?” Evie asked.

Soph had to think about this. “I really don’t mind. We could just chill for a bit round at mine, and have a few rounds of pool in the lobby.”

“Sounds like an awesome plan to me, sweet’ums!” Said Evie, along with a thumbs up.

“Great. Well, just let me go to the corner shop to grab some fags, and we’ll be on our way.”

* * *

Winning two out of three rounds of pool sure does moisten your appetite for a nice cold beverage, Evie thought. Her mind clocked over and she remembered they were meant to be at Serenade in 20 minutes. They arrived these 5 minutes before the band was meant to start, and with the bass running through her bones as they walked inside; Evie felt it was time to wet her whistle. She walked up to the bar and ordered herself a Jack, Honey and Lemonade, and Soph her usual. A Raspberry Daiquiri. The drinks went down like water.

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