Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

“BONJOUR.. fair lady!” Ryan sang, reaching for Evie’s hand whilst she was hypnotized by the scent of alcohol in the air. He leaned into her and whispered, “I have a little present for you later..” He winked.

Evie’s face was one of utter distaste and amusement. “What the fuck Ry!? I’ve told you plenty - I don’t do dickies!”

“We’ll see.” Followed again, by a wink.

* * *

After herding the guys into the newly tidied flat, Evie thought it would be sensible to crack open some snacks to soak up what seemed to be excessive booze for 8:00pm.

A giant platter of pizza, chicken and pasta was thrown upon the coffee table in front of the guys in order for them to swoon and not have to live through the consequences of their actions the following morning, if they were stupid enough to continue. Evie decided to tuck in herself, when halfway through a slice of margarita the doorbell rang once more. Confused at who could be at the door when everyone seemed to be here, she got up, trekked across the living room and opened the door.

There stood a tall, dark.. Hayden!

“What are you.. stalking me or something!?” Screeched Evie.

The look written across Hayden’s face said it all. “Hey, listen.. I didn’t even..”

“I invited her.” Ryan chimed in.

“You what?” 

“She just started at our place, and I thought it would be a nice way to get to know some of the group. I didn’t know you knew each other.”

“I just followed Ryan’s directions.. Do I really look like I knew where I was going?” Argued Hayden, pointing to her shirt and dickie bow, trying to pull off a smart casual look, which was clearly suggested by Ryan.

Evie snorted back her laughter.

“Fine, whatever. Come in.” She said, standing aside.

Ryan’s workplace was more like a children’s playground, with walls full of murals, graffiti and miniature basketball hoops. Not one person who enters would think it was the ideal place to compose and record music, Evie often questioned whether they actually ever did an honest day’s work. Snapping herself back to reality, she walked to the fridge and plucked a six-pack of lager and set it on the table among the mass of food.

Evie set herself down to the side of Ryan, in order to avoid Hayden’s serious-looking glances. Ryan muttered into Evie’s ear. “Told you I had a present for you. I thought you’d be more thankful about it though.” A smirk etched over his face, clearly impressed with himself.

“Honestly, you invited her... for me!?” Evie could not have been more annoyed. “Why do you think she would ever be my type?”

“Well.. isn’t she?” They both look over in Hayden’s direction, though had to revert back quickly to avoid being noticed.


Evie finally spoke. “Until she opened her mouth, maybe.”

* * *

With the drinks making their way into everyone’s systems, the guys were getting rowdy. Meanwhile Evie and Hayden sat amongst them feeling a slight twinge of awkwardness considering they were the only ones who seemed sober enough to realise that the clock chimed midnight, shocking them both equally. Yet, not disturbing the boy’s conversation in the slightest. Evie and Hayden locked eye contact, and let out a light chuckle at themselves.

Author's note: All characters throughout this story are fictional and are of my own creation. Being one of my first stories, my apologies if there are mistakes. Please give feedback, comments and vote :) Your support is very much appreciated. THANK YOU! :)

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