"Logan...." I whimpered. "Yes, love?" He replied, getting concerned. "I feel dizzy, please let me down..." I said, trying to put everything so he would believe me. I felt so dizzy, it was a really weird feeling. All of a sudden, I was brought down to my feet, Logan's face staring at me concerned.

"Are you alright?" He said, kissing my cheek, lovingly. "Yeah, I wasn't feeling really good." I said, cupping his face in my hands, bringing it down to crash my lips against his. It was a soft, loving kiss. No tongue, just nice and soft. Not lustful.

"I love you." We said at the same time.

"So, this is the new guy..." I heard the most annoyingest, ugliest, horriblest , voice in the whole world. Ian.

"Get away from us, Ian." I yelled to him, hatred laced into my voice. "Never Natasha, I love you!" Ian yelled, and charged at Logan, a knife in his hands. "Logan!!!" I screamed, a blood curdling one.

Logan quickly jumped away, with werewolf speed and growled lowly. Ian charged once again, but not at Logan, but at me, and my eyes widened.

I quickly jumped up, Ian stabbing mid air, I jumped onto his back, covered his eyes and yelled into Logan's mind to 'Grab the knife!!'

He dived under Ian's reach grabbed the knife from him, I jumped off Ian's back, Logan stabbed Ian in the stomach, Ian cried out in pain and fell to the ground. I started kicking Ian's stomach as random people started coming from everywhere. Apparently working for Ian, because once he saw them he yelled out in pain "GET THEM!!"

Me and Logan looked at each other in horror, to see all the men and women fighting, and charging at us. One tiny girl came up to me, and kicked my shin. I cried out in pain, my wolf begged to be let control, and I let her be in control, and she just went wild, she punched the girl, kicked her jn the guts and then once again in the head, smashing her head to the concrete and killing her.

I saw Logan had 3 kills and 5 unconscious, in a matter of five minutes. Ian was clearly losing a lot of blood, and was turning paler and paler by the second.

"Love! Watch out!" I felt a body on my back, apparently, and he was 2x heavier then me so it made me collapse to the ground, pain striking my features. He started smashing my head into the concrete, until I started blacking out, but I felt Ian quickly pulled off me.

Logan growled loudly, and kept kicking Ian in the stomach, repeatedly, Ian's people just watching and cheering for some reason. I felt black spots in my vision and my temple stinging. I heard the often sounds of Ian in pain, and the crowd cheering.

I pulled my head up from the concrete to see Ian's motionless body, laying in a heap of blood. Was it weird that I felt no sympathy for Ian, and am glad that he's dead? I mean, he made my life hell and tried killing me...

"Oh Natasha, love, we need to take you to a hospital..." Logan said concerned, touching my temple and picking me up, bridal style.

"No Logan, I know how to take care of this, and even if we did go to the hospital, they would do researches on how come I'm healing so fast, just please, take me to the hotel, I'll patch myself up." I croaked.

Logan felt a tap on his shoulder, and we saw a man, about 30 years old. "May I help you?" Logan asked, annoyed. "As if you may know, the love of my life is bleeding so I need to leave."

"No please, we just came here to thank you, thanks to you, that evil man is now dead, you have made us free. May God bless you." He said, and walked to the group of people, I stared at them as they cried in joy "WE'RE FREE!" They chanted.

My wolf was trying to help heal my head quicker, and it was working, I no longer felt the headache. I felt Logan put me laying down on the backseat of the car, and drive off.

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