In the City of the Rising Sun

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"MaiMai, we beg of you just please sit down will you?"

"Can't help it, Nanamin. You know how I am like whenever I get anxious."

"Even if we didn't know it before, we do know. You look like a wreck."

"Thank you, for the obvious remark Kazumin."

"I am trying to ease the tension here Maiyan. We already have Naa-chan who looks like she is about to pass out anytime soon and now we have MaiMai who have pacing back and forth in front of our eyes, next thing you know, Rina will be the one binge-eating due to the high tension." as Maiyan looked back and forth from Naa-chan to MaiMai she could only sigh. Kazumin was right. They are starting to look like nutcases right then.

The second they all got a call from Naa-chan demanding the reason of why Park Chorong is nowhere to be seen even though the clock had ticked past 1 in the morning, all 5 of them rushed to Naa-chan's place ignoring all the consequences nor the lack of sleep that they are having. Only to find Naa-chan who was pacing on the streets, biting her nails as she does and the nurse just burst into tears when the five of them surrounds her asking what in the name of the heavens is going on.

Due to the legal policy that a missing person could only be filed within 24 hours, none of the six women could sleep a wink. It is already getting insanely late yet none of them are able to relax for a second, getting worried about what could ever happen to the pregnant woman.

"Naa-chan, can you just call Yamada Ryusuke-san and tell him to just screw the rules and let us file a report?" Nanamin asked and the girls know well enough when Nanamin talks like that, she has already lost her cool.

"Nanamin..." MaiMai started with her mother-tone trying to say that what she is asking for Naa-chan to do is not appropriate. "Look at the time. Yamada-san must be asleep by now. We can't just call him in the middle of daybreak for this."

Nanamin was about to protest but Nishino Nanase was not about to hear any of them battling their opinions back and forth about this. Without giving what she was about to do a second thought, she dialled the number instantly. After a few rings, a voice who sounds like he was woken up from the phone call made her felt sorry instantly. Maybe it was best for her to call at another time as MaiMai had said after all.

"Nana? What is it?"

"Ryu... I woke you up didn't I?"


"You are a terrible liar as you always are Ryu-kun."

"You are the only one who find me as a terrible liar. Others seems to believe my story no matter how ridiculous they are."

"Baka." typical Ryusuke. He always manages to make her laugh no matter what the condition she is in. And right now, she is super thankful to him. He was able to lighten up the mood even if it is just a slight improvement.

"Nana?" lost in her thoughts she almost forgot Ryusuke was still on the line and she also almost forgotten the reason of why she woke him up in the middle of his slumber.

"Ryu, I need a favour from you." Instantly she launched into the story about Chorong's disappearance and how clueless they all are right now of what to do. And all that while, the male just listened intently to all that Nanase had been spilling.

"I'll see what I can do but Nana, it is 3 in the morning. Even if I can use my influence to start up the investigation in action, there is no possible way that I can command a squad at this time of day. I'll go to station extra early tomorrow and see what I can do from there. For now Nana, it might be best for you and the rest of you to go and get some well needed rest."

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