The One With the Morning Sickness

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Chorong is already three months in her pregnancy and so far, things are looking quite swell. Though the situation is not the same for Lu Han. Chorong's pregnancy truly has been the most well-behaved and easiest one that one could ever found. Her appetite grew tremendously along with her swelling tummy that kept growing in size day by day but then again, there is nothing peculiar about it.

Though most people went through with the nuisance and the painstakingly morning sickness when they are pregnant, things were different for Chorong. It was Lu Han who had to go through the gratifying dizziness and the sickening sensation every single morning. When Lu Han complained on day, Chorong told him with a smile, "You said you love me, this is how you prove your words sweetcheeks."

Truly, when she said that, Lu Han has no way to make a comeback but to only swallow the reality down his throat. Though it was hard, he enjoyed every minute of it simply because when he was in such of a state very morning, the love of his life would be there whether to pat him on the back or simply letting him to snuggle close to her even when she was already running late to work. There are some perks of being in his condition. The other is simply, he has an excuse to be slightly later to work than usual and that means he is able to send Chorong to and from work any day without having Chorong to use the 'You're going to be late to your office' card.

Since her husband already has to be the one having the morning sickness, the humanoid dolphin had no choice but to give in her spouse's demands. Plus, there is nothing wrong with her being spoiled by Lu Han time from time.

That morning was the same though. With Lu Han throwing up all of his dinner and breakfast down the toilet, Chorong fussing over husband and Lu Han being a big baby as he refused to move away from woman's lap which eventually leads to both of them being late to work. The fact that Lu Han insisted they continue they usual routine of which he would be the one sending Chorong off to work was indeed making things worse. It is easy for Lu Han to be late to his office since he is after all, the boss but things are not the same for Chorong. Though, using her pregnancy as an excuse, she was often forgiven. That and the fact that she would at times ask either Suho or Sehun to punch in her card for her. Either way, as long as her husband is happy and able to do things that he wanted to, Chorong could only shook her head at his childish qualities but follow out what he wanted in the end.

"Don't miss me too much while at work will you?" smirked Lu Han as Chorong exited the car.

"Will do."

"W-wait, on second thought. Miss me a whole lot!"

"A man should never back out on his words you know."

"But a man who has his wife's morning sickness in her place can do that." Chorong could only roll her eyes at the answer. In the end he would always use that particular card.

"Bye now, Lu. You'll be late for work if this keeps up. Baba would not be pleased when he heard this. Plus, imagine the trouble Jooyeon would be in if you are not in the office in the next 10 minutes, now be a good boss and get your ass to work!" seeing that his wife is already about to get into her nagger mode, Lu Han sighed as he knew it was truly time for him to be at the office. After all, Chorong was right. One, Baba would be furious if he does not get his ass into the office in the next 10 minutes. And two, things would be completely hectic in the office and he would soon feel bad for his secretary who would be forced to do his work for him if he is not in the office soon enough.

"A kiss then." Chorong shook her head yet she still kissed her husband on the cheek before leaving him and walked over to the entrance of the hospital. There are times when Lu Han can be quite unreasonable and she can afford to actually tend to his childish demands but this is not one of those times.

Lu Han sighed but he himself knew that it was for his own good thus with much dissatisfaction, he finally started the engine and finally drove out of the hospital's grounds.

"When will you two be sick of the sweet public display of affection anyway noona?"

"Hun, Hayoung Hun. Hayoung." in that instant, Sehun instantly zipped his trap shut. There is no way he is going to let Hayoung out of his grasp. And in order to do that, he has to listen to Chorong. no matter how bad he wanted to make fun of her and her husband.

"Noona, can you please stop using that to make me do things according to your will?"

"Hm... let me think... No."



"Mr. Lu! You almost made me wanting to quit my job in the next second!" the instant Lu Han reached his office, Jooyeon stormed into his office with clipboards, files and the huge planner that was designated as the one that keeps all the appointments and the meeting times that Lu Han has to attend day by day.

"Sorry Jooyeon. So, what kind of massacre that I have in store for me today?"

"The Texas massacre if I can so myself. You have 3 meetings with suppliers, a board meeting in 2 minutes and finally you need to go the site of our new project. And, there are about... 10 or more files and contracts that you need to go through and sign before the end of the day."

"Kill me now."

"I would be delighted to do so but then who would be the one that would be signing my pay check? My livelihood is much more important than you I'm afraid Mr. Lu." said Jooyeon which was responded by Lu Han with a groan.

"Everyone is out to get me today I swear." muttered Lu Han under his breath.

"Oh, and someone had been trying to reach you for hours since I entered the office. I do think it would be best for both you and me if you get back to her as fast as you could." Before she had forgotten, she told Lu Han.

"And who would that be?"

"Your old spark." again, Lu Han groaned. Jooyi.

Even though he is hesitant and has no intention of getting back to her but Jooyeon was right, things would be rather complicated if he does not. Even when they were dating, Jooyi would often throw a tantrum or two whenever she could not get to Lu Han and very often, the tantrum is usually thrown to public display at the office.

Sighing deeply, Lu Han picked up the phone and dialled Jooyi's number. It did not even took her a two rings as Jooyi instantly picked up.

"What do you-"

"We need to talk. Please."

"You know I'm married and the thought of meeting you is not a comfortable thing to do Jooyi."

"Please. Lu Han, Please. Don't make me beg please."

"Fine. Where?" sighed Lu Han in desperation

"The usual place. In 2 hours?"


Finally Lu Han hanged up on the call. Meeting up with Jooyi is not something that he looked forward for after all that had happened. But she sounded so desperate on the phone, he was unable to say no. In the end, he just wish this meeting would not turn out for the worst at the end of the day.


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