Luhan is Pretty Thick

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"Mama, Baba. Han-ge and Chorong-qie are here!" Lu Yi yelled out to her parents from the living room as she saw Lu Han's car made its way into the mansion's grounds.

"You are a girl for god's sake Lu Yi. Manners matter and a girl shouldn't shout that loud!" despite her mother's direct disapproval of her actions, Lu Yi being herself let the words and warnings passed by her as she dashed to the front door to greet her brother and her sister-in-law.


"Oi! Only your sis-in-law? What about me?" asked Lu Han.

"You are old news dear brother. Chorong –qie is the new news and let's face it, she understands me better than you which automatically makes me love her more than you." Said Luyi with her tongue protruding from her lips in Lu Han' direction.

"Then I guess you won't want this then." Said Lu Han as she motioned to the plastic bag in his right hand. From the clear plastic, it is obvious that its content is the huge tub of Baskin Robbin's Caramel Pecan.

"But... then again blood is still thicker than water and I still love you the same." Lu Han just shook his head at his sister's antiques. Typical Lu Yi, she loses every single time her favourite food is within the picture.

The hand that refused to let go of Chorong in the last few minutes, rapidly discarded her sister-in-law's hand and grabbed the tub of ice cream before her brother decide not to give her the scrumptious treat. And before Lu Han was able to scold or pinch her cheeks as always, the younger fled to the kitchen in order to put her beloved treat in the fridge and maybe having a few scoops of it herself.

Lu Mei soon exited the kitchen, her eyes rolled to the side as her youngest daughter ran past her holding the bucket of ice cream. "Caramel Pecan?" she asked her only son and she stretched her arms out to hug both him and her daughter-in-law. Lu Han then gave her the infamous 'Do you have to ask' look and that itself was enough to serve as an explanation to the mother of two.

"How come you're late? And a whole hour late even."

"Apparently someone here have a strong urge of stopping for ice cream and cheesecake." That answer soon was followed with Lu Han being pinched on the cheek. Madam Lu however irked her right eyebrow upwards when she heard that.

"Is that so? Now that if I took a close look at you Chorong, you look like you gain weight quite a bit." At that Chorong blushed.

"I have quite a big appetite these days."

"Big doesn't even begin to cover it! You ate two servings of katsudon for dinner last night!" again, the sentence soon was followed with a cry of pain coming from Lu Han when his dearest beloved wife yet again gave out her signature crab-like pinch to his arm.

"Watch what you say Mr. Lu... or you'll end up sleeping outside of the door for tonight."

"You won't dare dearie, you love me too much and you'll miss too much if you that."

"Try me sweet cheeks. You know you will regret it." Said Chorong with the so innocent smile on her face as she walked off after Mrs. Lu direction with Lu Han trailing after her gawking of what his wife has just said.



The dinner table was quite rowdy-well not exactly rowdy but the Lu's has never had such situation before Lu Han was wedded to Chorong. To put it simply, thanks to the newest addition in the family, things have gotten much more cheerful than before.

They were half-way through dinner when Chorong suddenly rose and ran to the bathroom. Three pair of eyes mirrored their thoughts. They were confused. It didn't take long before Lu Han too rush behind his wife. The sound of someone throwing up was clearly heard, pretty soon Mr. and Mrs. Lu along with Lu Yi too dashed to bathroom only to see Chorong throwing up all of her meals just now.

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