Just When Things Was About to Settle

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It was already getting late and Chorong is drained off physically and emotionally. Being 8 months through your pregnancy while still working part-time at the café can be such a hard work for Park Chorong. Fukagawa Mai could only sigh at the sight she was beholding then. Even when she already told Chorong multiple of times already that she did not need her help to close down the café, as we all know, Chorong is taking none of that to account as she came to the café and does her usual work without having a slightest care in the world even if there are many people around her that would just prefer her to sit still.

"Would you like to hear the 'I told you so' speech one more time Park Chorong?" her words that were lacing in the every tiny bit of sarcasm was only ignored by Chorong.

"No thanks, it will be the third time this week I heard of the speech from you Fukagawa Mai-san." said Chorong, while pronouncing every syllable in MaiMai's full now just to irk the woman.

"You really are on stubborn woman. You need to try and learn to listen to people you know. Especially when all they care about is none other than your well-being."

"Here we go again..."

"Don't 'Here we go again' me missy. You are about to become a mother any second now. You ought to learn to be more matured and listen when people told you what is best for you." since the one thing that she needed the most right now is a well-deserved sleep, Chorong chose to stop her friend before the nagging session drags on because if she don't... well let's just say that they would probably be there for the rest of the night.

"MaiMai, please. I'm drained and so are you." Fukagawa Mai who apparently gets the point sighed. Chorong is right. It won't do anything better for either one of them so stay there longer than they need too.

"Fine let's go. I'll walk you." offered MaiMai which Chorong made a face at.

"No. You need to go home like as soon as possible. You look like you would just fall asleep while standing at this point. Go before you miss the last train." Chorong know better not to try and invite Fukagawa Mai to sleep over at Nanase's place since the MaiMai would never dream of leaving her pet, Shiro at home all alone for the rest of the night.

"Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" MaiMai who is so used to taking care of others cannot help from feeling concerned about Chorong's safety is she is to let her go home on her own. Though she is aware of the fact that Chorong has enough martial arts knowledge and is able to take care of herself but again, pregnant women are not the most athletic nor the best people in self-defence.

"I'll be completely fine. Now go! or you'll end up missing the last train and the next thing you know, your whole apartment is in a huge mess thank to Shiro." though she was a bit hesitant but she knows that Chorong is indeed correct. Shiro, that small ball of fur can be a troublesome little thing at times and after what she had going on earlier that day, she does not want to be the one who had to be cleaning up after the mess that Shiro would cause simply because he is hungry.

It took a while but the two soon part way leaving the heavily pregnant woman on her own back to the small apartment that she is staying in thanks to the kind-hearted Nishino Nanase. Usually, the route to the place is usually lit up with bright streetlights and some of the stores are often still open for business at this time. But that night, apparently the owners decided they want to turn up early for the night and close up earlier than they often to.

The streets leading to the apartment was eerily quiet and scary all at the same time and they sorts off put Chorong on edge somehow. Trying to calm herself down, she kept telling herself that it was just her overthinking things though deep down, she somehow knows that something would go wrong somehow that night.

It doesn't took long enough before what she had expected to happen, unfold in a matter of seconds. Her years of practicing Hapkido went down the drain the second her mouth with covered with a cloth. She tried to wriggle herself out of her attacker's grasp but her body is wearing down, her strength depleted, her eyelids fluttering rapidly before they start to droop down by the second.

"You brought this onto yourself." it had been quite a while since the last time she heard the voice of the one that had destroyed her life within seconds. Lee Jooyi was the last thing that popped into her head before she lost her consciousness.


Lu Han had been pacing back and forth in the living room of his empty loft. He knew better not to put his hopes up but he can't help to feel a tiny tinge of hopefulness in his heart. He just wished that he won't be let down by hoping too much for the result to be in his favour.

The bell was wrung and Lu Han sort of leaped out of the couch as he went for the front door, certain that it probably would be Sehun, Suho , Hayoung and Yookyung who would be coming up with the test results in their hands. When the door was opened, he invited the three people that he had been awaiting for inside to take a seat but anyone could obviously how the lad is fidgeting, anxious for what the answer brings.

As the four of them took a seat, Suho handed Lu Han the brown file which contains the piece of paper that everyone is waiting for.

"I made sure that the one who ran the test is someone that we can put our trust into. And I am pretty sure this test this time is not tampered with. I personally see through the procedures myself. So basically whatever the result is, it is a 100% guaranteed clean and not possible that it can be tampered by anyone." Suho said as Lu Han held the package in his hand.

"Wait, so you haven't see the result either?"

Suho shook his head from left to right in order to prove his point. "I think it is best if you would be the one who sees to the result first. I just supervised the procedures but I didn't take a peek at the result at all."

Lu Han nodded as he slowly took out the paper, his hands trembling at the process. It took a while for him to read and take in the result and after he registered everything in his head, he stood frozen in his seat. The other four who are still there tried to peer to learn of the truth themselves.

The words at the end of the paper was the only thing that they needed to know off and when they did saw the sentence at the bottom of the page, there are no words that can be of use to describe what they all felt then.

It was silence in the space for a while before Yookyung being the first one who was out of trance and squealed in excitement. "It's negative! The two of you are not a match!" Lu Han slowly got out of his trance as he nodded.

Jooyi lied to him. She lied to them all. She is in deep trouble the next time he sees her. Lu Han is going to make sure of that. But that is something he can deal with later. There is one thing that he needs to prioritize right now and that in none other than getting Chorong back to Korea and being by his side.

He needs to book a flight to Tokyo as soon as possible. There is no time to be wasted. He needs to go and see Chorong right now! He was too confided in his thoughts that he dismissed the doorbell being rung rapidly that Hayoung choose to get it herself. A minute letter, Yoon Bomi walked into the space, breathless and panicked.

"Bomi-sshi, what is it?" Suho asked.

"Chorong. Chorong unnie. She's... she's gone!" instantly Lu Han felt his world crumbling to pieces once again.


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