Wavering Feelings

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The sweet scent of the country seeped through Luhan's nostrils as he inhaled the fresh night air. After dinner with his in-laws, Luhan excused himself to stroll at the Park's backyard. Luhan shifted his head towards his father-in-law the second he heard the shuffling of the older man's feet heading in his direction.

Silence engulfed both men as all the two did were only scanning the area. Though, Chorong's father finally broke the silence after a few awkward moments of silence.

"Han. I know that the marriage between you and Chorong was not under your will but I sincerely thank you for accepting my daughter in life." Luhan had no idea how to reply to that. All of the sudden, an overwhelming flush of guilt engulfed the younger man.

"I know maybe I might be asking for too much. But, I really do hope that you will come to love her one day soon enough." Luhan was unable to answer or even respond to those words. Though, the older male didn't question his son-in-law's silence.

"Ah, the nagging angel has finally come." Luhan's head shot up when he heard that and his mouth curved upwards when he saw the one called by his father-in-law.

With her face all scrunched up as a sign of dissatisfaction, Luhan can't help but withstand the urge to pinch his wife's chubby cheeks.

"Here you two are. Omma and I had been calling out for both of you for centuries!" Mr. Park could only laugh when his daughter start to launch her nagging attacks.

"Well then, I better go and see what your Omma wants from me don't I?" he slowly made his way towards the house and patted his daughter's head along the way leaving Chorong smiling at his gesture. Chorong no matter her age was, she is still daddy's girl.

Now, the two were finally left alone as they watched Mr. Park's silhouette disappeared into the house.

"Han, we need to sort these things out." those words came out with a sigh from Chorong. Luhan shifted his glance towards the woman that stood next to him and after a while, he nodded. Knowing what kind of matters that Chorong wanted to talk about he couldn't help but felt as if a boulder was dropped onto his shoulders.

"Let's go someplace quiet enough for us to have this conversation." The two walked heading towards the one place they both knew where they would have a proper conversation and that was the place that they went to that very evening. Even without proper lighting, the lake still glows with the lights from the firefly. Chorong sat on a big boulder while hugging her knees as Luhan took his place beside her.

Silence was the only thing that accompanied the two along with the sounds of the small animals at the lake. It took a while for Luhan to clear up his mind up and sighed.

"Han, don't get me wrong with this but how long are we going to keep up with this charade? Honestly, I am getting tired of it." Luhan just nodded. He knew that they are bound to have to talk about the matter regarding their relationship soon enough. But, no matter how much he tried, he never manage to get himself to be ready for it.

"So, what are you suggesting here?"

"I'm not suggesting anything. I just want to know. How much longer do we need to keep up this façade?" Chorong looked Luhan straight in the eyes for a few seconds before she stared back towards the misty lake.


"Don't get me wrong here. It's not that I hate you or anything but day after day I am beginning to find that its getting hard to lie to others about us. It's hard to keep pretending that we are one loving couple. The hardest was to face both of our mothers and to promise them something that both of us knew impossible. I hate to lie to our parents and acquaintances about our situation with a straight face. I just can't handle this circle of lies anymore!"

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