What a dork

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A/N: Bolstered onward by the fact that Kora at last updated "His English Heart" again (well... technically I got this done the same day she posted but I kind of got too busy to post it until now- whoops!) I have decided to grace you with the presence of my fanfiction of her fanfiction again! 

I hope you all enjoy it. I got the idea from all the goofy things Tom has been doing lately (especially ALL. THAT. DANCING.) I thoroughly believe he is trying to murder this fangirl heart of mine. And guess what? He is succeeding.

Now as an apology for not updating I have decided to tell you a joke:

A man is in a bar and says "I would like some H2O please." The man behind him says "Me too!" The first man then cries because his assassination attempt failed.

Hehe! (^.^) 


You married a complete dork. Sometimes you swore that Tom was 3 completely different people: the chivalrous knight, the Loki, and the complete goof off. The insanely goofy side of him popped up at the most random times and from the videos you’d seen on tumblr and YouTube they happened more frequently than you were originally aware of.

You often wonder how he has so much energy for all the goofy stunts he’s pulled over the years whether it is imitating a velociraptor for a huge audience or breaking out into a wild sort of dance whenever he felt the urge. Occasionally he said the strangest things or did things your more shy nature would never allow you to do for fear of complete and utter embarrassment but Tom held no shame for such things.

To be honest that was something you adored about him, no matter what he did he always made sure to be himself… and often times that meant being “adorkable” as the term has been named. In fact there had been a few points in time that he had tried to pull you into his little circle of goofiness and occasionally you’d given in….


It was a rare Saturday that Tom didn’t need to film so you weren’t desperately needed on set either. Your plan was to sit in all day and do nothing but read a good book or listen to music. There was no need for craziness or stress or anything of the like; today was your day to relax. That worked until slightly after you’d had a bowl of soup for lunch and just gotten settled into your recliner again. Your phone was ringing and you prayed as you stretched as far as humanly possible to reach the phone without leaving the chair that you weren’t being called onto set.

You failed and fell out of the chair and landed with a large thump. You harrumphed and rubbed your back as you reached with the other hand for the culprit (the phone). Your heart gave a nervous flutter when you saw the name “Tom Hiddleston” flash across the screen. Wondering what he could want you answer the call.

“Hello?” You ask expectantly.

“Good afternoon Joanna! How are you?” said a voice that sounded surprisingly like Kermit the frog. You blink as you are completely thrown off guard by it.

“Uh…. Fine. I think… Tom?”

“I am not Tom. I am Kermit. This Tom person may have been the guy that let me borrow his phone.” He was trying not to laugh, you could just tell. You rolled your eyes and decided to play along as you stuck a bookmark on the page you were leaving off on.

“Uhuh…. So please tell me why you’re calling- Kermit…” You say, trying to figure out how on earth you are in love with a man that does impersonations of Kermit the Frog randomly over the phone, you can come up with no logical answer for that.

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