Chapter 36 : AHHHH !!!!

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 36 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! I have a feeling you'll love this one ;) Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

Okay I exaggerated a bit.I don't think I'm unconscious.But I swear it felt like it ! The moment the thing hit me.

I look for it.

OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!

It's a WATER BALLOON !!!!!!!! 

"Oh my god Tris !! You screamed like someone is kidnapping you",Uriah says laughing.

I see Four laughing as well.

"I second with Uri",He whispers in my ear.I playfully slap the back of his head.

"You're supposed to be on my team.Not his",I say.

"Why ??",He asks.

Just then I see another water ballon fly.It's hits Four.

"Ouch ! That was so unexpected",Four says.Now it's my turn to laugh.

Tobias's POV

"Uriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....You're going down !!!!!!!!",Tris screams.She then runs to the water balloon bucket.

But she gets hit by 6 more balloons on the way.Since the rest of the gang was hiding behind the bushes to hit Tris with the balloons.

"Ahhhhhh !!!",Tris screams on getting hit.

I'm laughing so much right now I think I have tears in my eyes.

Tris quickly recovers.She runs to the bucket,grabs the balloons and starts throwing them at everyone.

She throws 4 on Uriah (A/N : Hehehe ! Pun not intended ;)),5 on Chris,3 on Will,Shauna,Zeke,Destiny and Marlene.

"Oww ! That's not fair.I threw one at you and you threw 4",Uriah complains.

"Everything is fair in love and war.And this is war !!",Tris says laughing.

I just stand there looking at Tris.Adoring her.

She's so beautiful.When she lets herself loose and enjoys the moment it's.....Heavenly.

"I'm your threw 5 at me",Chris complains.

"And I'm your friend.And you let them throw the balloons at me.When I wasn't looking and you joined them in this shady plan",Tris saying trying to act angry but failing miserably at it.

Shady ???

I let a loud laugh out at this.

Uh oh ! Big mistake.

Now everyone's focus is on me ! 

Shit !! 

"Everyone grab a balloon.Or two.Or four.Or as many as you can and hit him !!!!",Tris screams pointing at me.

They react very quickly.Before I can run away or defend myself.

And soon I find myself drenched.I lost count of how many balloons hit me.

Soon laughter fills the air.

"Oh my god Four !!!....",Tris begins but starts laughing.

"See don't need a bath",Tris finishes laughing.

"Okay.You're going down.....Wait ! What's your last name ?",I ask Tris.

Wow ! I'm so dumb.I don't know her last name and I call her my friend.

I see Tris's face drop.It's only for a few seconds.So quick that if I hadn't been staring intently at her....I would've missed it.

Maybe she does like talking about her family.Even I don't.Especially after whatever happened in my life earlier.

Due to which I had to make a new life.

"You're going down Tris !!",I scream and charge at her.

"Ahhhh !!",Tris screams at starts running.

Damn ! She's fast.

I figured that out when we went ice skating.

But I get her within no time.

I tackle her to the ground and pin her.

"Here man",Zeke says handing me the left over water balloons.

There are 9 left.

Perfect !!! 

I throw all of them at Tris.At the same time.Earning one high pitched scream  from Tris.Making me laugh.

"Even you don't need a bath now",I say.

Tris looks at me with 'anger' for a few seconds and then starts laughing with me.

We both laugh like maniacs.

"That was so much fun !!!",Tris says laughing.

"Wanna do it again ?",I ask winking.

"Someday later.Like maybe after 10 years.But not today",Tris says.I stick my tongue at her and she does the same.

We laugh again.

I see Tris's fringe land on her face and tuck it behind her ear.

I think of why it killed me when Tris started being distant with me.And why I was relieved when she told me nothing's wrong.

Then I realize what was obvious the whole time.


I love Tris.

And I'm going to tell her.


A/N : So that was the end of the Chapter 36 !!! How was it ?? TOBIAS CONFESSED HE LOVES TRIS !!!  AHHHHHHHHHH !!! YAYYYYYYYY WOHIOOOOOOO !!!! NOW HE' S GOING TO TELL HER EVERYTHING !!!!  AHHHHHHH ! Anyways.....Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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