Chapter 32 : Movie....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 32 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

And also....guys I've been really busy I won't be able to update as frequently as I used to before !
Sorry bout that ! :(

Anyways.....Continue Reading !!!!

Tris's POV

"50 shades of grey !!",Four and I scream.

Four is extremely uncomfy.Maybe it's because it was his idea to chose a movie this way.

His eyes are wide with horror and he's continuously scratching the back of his neck.

I can't help but notice how cute he looks.

I start laughing.

"What ?",Four asks.

"Your reaction is hilarious",I say still laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ! So funny",Four says sarcastically making me laugh more.

"Eh ! You want to watch that movie ?",Four asks embarrassed.I don't know what for.

It's not like its his fault.

"No way !",I scream.

"Great ! Because I don't want to watch it as well.Let's chose again",Four says.

"On a second thought....we could watch it",He says winking and I playfully smack his arm.

"Yeah we can.Let's go buy the ticket",I joke.

He looks at me aghast.

"OMG ! I'm joking",I say laughing.

"Oh ! I knew you were joking",He lies.I roll my eyes at him and he gives me a sheepish grin.

We chose again and get 'I love you,man' this time.

I've already watched it before.One of my personal favorites.But we watch it again anyways.

"Why this movie ?",Four asks groaning.

"Because I want to watch it",I say.

He sighs.We pay for the tickets.Scratch that.He pays for the tickets.

Then we go to screen 10.

As we're walking towards it Four asks,"What's the movie about ?".

"About you and Zeke",I joke.

He looks confused.

I find a handout on the way of the movie times and descriptions.

I take it and give it to Four.

"Read this !",I say.

"As his wedding day approaches, Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) realizes he has no one to act as his best man. Through a series of "man-dates," he finds Sydney Fife (Jason Segel), and the pair become instant friends. But as Peter's "bro-mance" with Sydney grows stronger, it threatens his relationship with his fiancee (Rashida Jones), forcing Peter to make a choice",Four reads.

(A/N : I just copied it from the internet so that you guys can know the story of the movie Tris and Tobias's are watching ! :))

"I bet I'm gonna fall asleep half way through the movie",He says and I roll my eyes at him.

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I love this movie so much !!! I can watch it over and over again !!!!

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