Chapter 20 || The Land of the waves!

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Sasuke replied.

"Okay Then. Lost pet Tora. Captured. Mission complete." Kakashi-sensei said and I handed Tora to Naruto, With a smirk. Suddenly, The cat started scratching and hitting his face. Sasuke and Sakura Sweatdropped while watching me walk away.

'She's Evil alright.' They thought.

"CAN WE GET A BETTER MISSION THAN THIS!? I HATE CATS!!" He yelled and My three teammates cringed, While Kakashi-sensei fell into the ground. I spun my headset using my index finger while watching them with an amused look. I knew this will happen. SO much for the one who knows the future. 

"Uwahh~! My poor little Tora! Your Mommy is Worried you know?" The 'fat' Woman cooed as She squished Tora in a deadly hug while rubbing her cheeks into him. I sweatdropped and laughed nervously. I really feel bad about the cat since I last saw this scene.

"Hahaha! That Stupid cat deserve that!"

"No wonder he ran away."

"Yeah right.." I mumbled while smiling, amused.

"Now Then, For squad seven's other mission.. Hm.. Among them is Baby siting, Helping his wife for shopping, Digging up potatoes and-!"

"NO!!!" Naruto interrupted the Hokage in his sentences while making an 'X' using his both arms.

"I want to go in a real mission! Something challenging and exciting! Not like those crappy missions you're giving us! Come on! Old man!" He yelled.

'He got a point.' Sasuke thought.

'Naruto, such a pain.' Sakura thought.

'That's Naruto for ya. Now, How to deal with That Drunkyard... Hmm..' I smirked.

"How dare you! you're just a brand new Genin with no experience! Like everyone else, You start in simple missions to develop your skill and experience!" Iruka sensei yelled.

"Are you kidding me?! Babysitting is not a mission!" Naruto yelled and Kakashi sensei punched his head.

"Can you put a lid on it." Kakashi sensei grumbled.

"Listen Naruto!" The Hokage called out and began explaining stuffs about those missions we take. Since that the author is so Lazy explaining it Naruto On the other hand, Began talking with what ramen he ate yesterday.

"Silence!!" The Hokage yelled.

"Wahh!! I don't get it!! You're treating me like a child or something!! You're not my grand father or what!! I'm a ninja now! And I want Ninja missions!!" Naruto retorted. The Hokage Chuckled.

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