Chapter 18

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"Dahlia Washington."

Just kept replaying in her head she was so confused on what was going on." That's your name right Dahlia Washington from Manhattan Model,Dancer Daughter of Shawn and Jessica Washington!!" Jaebum said."Chill out on my bestfriend you don't know anything." Tessa said getting mad. " baby your in the wrong also you knew this whole time and didn't say Shit!" Junior said."now hold the fúck up Everything I told you was the truth that's not my business to tell she's my bestfriend I got her back through everything and this isn't between me and you it's between her and Jaebum!"

Tessa said taking off her shoes and putting her belongings down and tying her hair up."Bestfriend why you look like you about to swing." Dahlia said."because I'm tired of the Bullshit Both of y'all need to understand that you don't come for me and my bestfriend unless we send for you." Tessa said, Dahlia was taken back by how Tessa was acting normally its was her who was ready to throw hands and get mad fast.

"Listen babe just calm down come with me and we will talk in private and let Jaebum and Dahlia have there space." Junior said walking up to Tessa, Tessa turned around smacking Junior in the face with her hair and walking into a different room leaving Jaebum and Dahlia."I don't know where to start because once you know everything you can't un know it." Dahlia said sitting down because she felt like she was going to faint.

"Why would you lie to and keep something like this from me.? I would understand I'm a idol for crying out loud." Jaebum said." BECAUSE IT ISNT ABOUT YOU." Dahlia yelled. Jaebum was so confused." Jaebum you try living with a mother who is scared of her husband and doesn't even care about your happiness as long as she looks good and having a dad who owns a business but really is in the Mafia and will stop at nothing to make you join or go to college that you don't want to go to." Dahlia said tearing up

"My dad said I wouldn't be shit because I didn't  want to go to NYU and dancing isn't a career , he only wants me to go to NYU because his friends kids go there and they could teach me things about the "Mafia life" Dahlia said."baby I. . . I wasn't expecting this." Jaebum said he was in shock. "Yeah you weren't expecting that and that guy you beat up he's one of my dad's hit men and I was young and dumb thinking he was different and loved me but he's actually crazy but I guess you saw that for yourself." Dahlia finally broke out in tears.

Jaebum sat beside her and pulled her close he couldn't believe that his girlfriend was the daughter of a Mafia boss." That explains why you left home, I can't say I know how you feel but I'm going to be here for you every step of the way and do my best to make you feel safe." Jaebum said."so you don't hate me.?" Dahlia said looking at him." I could never hate you but I want you to be real with me. Do you have feelings for Yugyeom.?" Jaebum said.

"I will be honest I did but it wasn't that big and I didn't act on them because I know where my heart belongs and I want no one but you, but I'll always love and care about him because he is my bestfriend." Dahlia said."I believe you I'm sorry for being such an ass and not hearing you out." Jaebum said."I'm sorry for lying and not really telling you how I feel." Dahlia said.

"Can we kiss and make up now." Jaebum said. Dahlia kissed him and it turned into a heated make out session until they got interrupted."OH GOSH." Youngjae said laughing."I'm sorry I heard some drama and I wanted the juice." Youngjae said making Dahlia and Jaebum laugh."it's Tea sunshine but where have you been you haven't been home." Dahlia said walking up to him pinching his cheeks." OW ! I've been with my boo you guys can meet her tomorrow." Youngjae said with a smile.

"Well good hopefully she's not another Ashley." Dahlia said."oh no not at all but I'll leave you two love birds alone." Youngjae said walking out closing the door behind him."well now that me and you are good now the only problem is I have to worry about my father finding me and killing everyone." Dahlia said bluntly." Baby stop freaking out if he was going to do something don't you think it would've happen already." Jaebum said all the sudden Dahlia got a text from her dad.

Irrelevant: it's cute how you think you got away I'm on to you , It would be so sad if your little boyfriend got hurt 😂 see you soon princess

"Dahlia who texted you, yo look like you've seen a ghost." Jaebum said. Dahlia was just frozen Jaebum snatched her phone and read the text and laughed."well I spoke to soon if he wants a fight he's going to get it." Jaebum said." Are you freaking crazy you don't stand a chance against my father." Dahlia said."oh baby girl you haven't learned yet don't underestimate me like I said I'm always going to protect you no more running." Jaebum said.

"I don't have a good feeling about this at all." Dahlia said." I know but we have to do something do you have a better idea." Jaebum said." Actually no he wants me to prove I'm about that life well I'm going to give him exactly what he wants This is WAR."

well that's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed it 🌸

this focus has me shook omg !

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