I could even learn how to love

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Modern! Jacob x reader!
Requested by MKFan53731
Hope you Enjoy~!
If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me, I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love..

You sat in the high school library reading alone and quietly, not uttering a single word which made you seem as if you weren't there. You had bruises on your arms and your cheek was red from the punches and slaps from the bullies Maria, Catarina, and Sophia. Though since it's been happening for three years out of four you've grown numb to the pain, and stopped showing and practically stopped feeling emotion. Arno and Evie-your two best friends-always worried and asked what happened, but you always shrugged their questions off, muttering that you were fine. They kept bothering you so your only escape was the library.

..when I see the way you act, Wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love..

About a few months later Evie introduced her slightly younger brother, Jacob. And in those months you tried ignoring him, but slowly, VERY slowly, you became friends with the reckless trickster. You both talked for hours out in the courtyard and when walking back home, Evie and Arno could see how much Jacob changed you. You smiled more and began to get more social again. Though what Jacob couldn't change was how dull your eyes were, the sparkle in your (e/c) orbs was not back yet, which always set you different from everyone else in that hell.

..Love, like you..

Another month went by like any other and you started feeling weird around Jacob. There were butterflies in your stomach every time he said your name or smiled at you and you couldn't figure out why. Your face would turn red if he put a hand on your shoulder or if your shoulder brushed against his. Ugh! It's frustrating to not know what's happening to you! You felt so angry at not understanding the warmth you felt coursing through you, why your heart beat went faster when you thought of him. What is happening to me?! Why can I not understand!

..I always thought I might be bad, Now I'm sure that it's true, 'cause I think you're so good, And i'm nothing like you..

You started ignoring him, becoming less social once more. You wanted that feeling gone. That warm, fuzzy feeling you always felt around him. He tried to get your attention in class or out at lunch but you always ignored his sweet voice. You hated doing so and it surprisingly hurt your stone heart. Though soon enough he decided to give you space, and left you alone. Now it was your turn to want his attention, though you never admitted it. It was all in your mind, your cries to say sorry, your sickening wails for him to forgive you. You just want to understand why you never felt this emotion before...

...Look at you go, I just adore you, I wish that I knew, what makes you think I'm so special...

Little did you know Jacob wanted to run back to you and ask you what was wrong, and how he could help you, but he didn't have the courage and was scared you would ignore him again. But when he passed you in the hall, he caught a glimpse of pain in your eyes, and he suddenly stopped, grabbing your arm in the process and pulled you into and empty hallway. Better now or never I suppose.. He thought, looking at you. "Why did you ignore me..?" He asked, hurt lingering in his voice. "I...." You looked down. "I was scared...I have this warm feeling grow inside me when I'm around you and I don't understand it! I want to understand what it is! I want it to stop!!" You cried, scared by the salty water dripping down your cheeks. Jacob was taken by surprise by your outburst and sudden tears, and he hugged you tightly, calming you down. "Why....why do you think I'm so special....?" You whispered, curling your fingers around the cloth of his jacket.

"Because you're different.."

..if I could begin to do something that does right by you, I would do about anything, I would even learn how to love..

A year passed after that incident and Jacob was slowly helping you realize what that feeling is. Love.. You thought, smiling a bit. You always thought you'd stay emotionless and shut off for forever, I guess you were wrong. You realized how much Jacob had changed you and how much you cared for him and how much he cares about you. But the only bad thing is....Jacob and Evie were sent to a different school, which hurt you badly and you came down with a deadly illness, doctors worried you wouldn't make it. You were certain you'd never see them again, and you'd never be able to tell Jacob. Sure, you could text him, but saying it in real life would be more preferred... You just kept hoping you'd see them at least one more time...

..When I see the way you look, Shaken by how long it took, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love..

"(Y/n)!!" Evie and Jacob both shouted when the door slammed open. You looked at the two struggling to enter the door with shocked and amused eyes. "Guys..." You rasped. Evie was the first to get in, causing Jacob to fall on the floor, but he quickly picked himself back up and ran to hold your almost cold hand. "So it's true..." Evie muttered, her voice breaking. "Evie..." You said, coughing horribly, struggling for breath now. "Jacob.." You turned to him, feeling your vision grow dark and your heartbeat slow. "What is it?" He asked quickly. You smiled, drawing in one last breath.

"I love you....goodbye.."

....Love, like you....

Idk if that was what you wanted or anything but I tried. My skills are slowly going down and I hate it.
NOW! If you will excuse me, i'm gonna go become a burrito and roll down a hill!
~Kam (the possible feel murderer)


Altaïr: what.
FARKAS IS COOLER THAN YOU!!! *rolls down the hill dragging the 'u'*
Ezio: something is.
Altaïr: don't say Farkas--
Ezio: water. *rolls down the hill laughing his arse off*
Altaïr: *eyes twitches*

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