#troyler Chapter 14

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Troye's POV

I gasped and jumped awake.


ew thar really shook me horribly.

Sawyer better not show up today because I will not let real life Sawyer do anything like what dream Sawyer just did.

No chance in hell.

A tear fell down my cheek.

I never want to loose Tyler. I dont know how I would live.

*(I KNOW! Im so mean mwahahaha... how many of y'all believed I would actually kill Tyler I mean cmon!!...Troye on the other hand...Lol im kidding. maybe, stay tuned hehe)*

Tyler's POV

"Somehow I always though it would be us getting married you know... I mean we lived together and you are like my bestie, we were practically a married couple anyway!" Korey said.

"Really?! haha the only date we ever had was eating those damn chicken nuggets Korey, but I have to admit marrying you would be so fun. But on the love side... Meh." I replied with a smirk. Teasing Korey was the best thing ever.

"Meh?! gurl you LOVE me, I know you checked me out when I was in my undies. DONT DENY IT."

"This bitch! You were drooling over me!"

"Ugh was not."

"Ugh yeah you were."



I turned back around to the mirror checking myself out again. My black suit looked perfect on my small body, and my light purple shirt contrasted perfectly with my Aqua tie. I straightened my tie, and smiled nervously at myself.

Troye and I had decided we would not see each other before the wedding like the traditional weddings, even though we were getting married in a beautiful beach gazebo.

Our suits were both black, but my shirt was light purple and I wore an Aqua tie, whereas Troye was going to wear a faded Aqua shirt with a purple tie. Cute, I must admit.

This was the day. Our day.

Korey came over to me, and stood behind me looking at my reflection in the mirror.

He held my shoulders tightly and whispered by my ear.

"You look amazing. Im so happy for you Tyler."

I turned around and embraced him. He was my best friend, I could rely on him for anything, however long apart we would be, we were always as close as before.

"Stay cute." Korey said with a grin, he knew I hated when he said that, inside joke.

I rolled my eyes jockingly.

Then straightened my self, took a deep breath in and walked towards the door.

I turned to Korey.

"Wish me luck."

Troye's POV.

I stood by the vicar, with Tyde, Stelle, Sage and Kala by my left. Tyde holding my ring.

My father and mother were both crying in happiness in the front row.

It was a perfect day, sunshine a slight breeze and the waves hit the shore gently on this beautiful empty beach.

I loosened my tie a little, suddenly feeling very hot and uncomfortable.

I wasnt nervous though.

I was extactic! I Was about too marry the man I loved.

Then I saw him.

He looked amazing, and excited as usual.

His arm was wrapped tightly around his mothers arm and she was beaming as she walked him towards me.

I know it sound stupid but I double checked that no guns or sawyer's were present before willing myself to be calm as Tyler reached my side.

"Hey Beautiful" he said as he glanced up at me beneath those thick eyelashes and geeky glasses.

"Hey Tilly." He chuckled and I entwined our hands and squeezed to confirm I was ready to get married.

"Right let's get started shall we?" The vicar started saying the wedding speech, then we said our vows, placed the rings on each others fingers, kissed, evereyone awed, we left the beach and went to the party, danced, laughed, ate, celebrated, and somehow we reached our suite in our newlywed room in the beach hotel.

It went by so quick, like a blur.

But it was perfect.

And the best part is that now I get Tyler all to myself for the next few days on our honeymoon. I'll get to wake up with him by myside every morning. He is mine now. My everything. My...Husband.



"Troye baby, are you coming to bed, you wouldnt want to miss out on the newlywed fun now would you...?" Tyler said seductivley from the bedroom.

"Oh definetly not M'dear." I ran in and jumped onto the bed next to him.

"Hi husband."

"Hi husband."

As he chuckled I tackled his lips with mine and we tangled ourselves in the sheets of the plush heart shaped bed.

Things got heated quickly, as our passion and love for each other rose.

This bed will certainly have good use tonight....



Hehehe how was that? how are y'all? doing good? yeah ;) ha TROYLER though, I mean ugh.

Can we all just unite in our Troyler appreciation, cmon guys group hug

:') xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2013 ⏰

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