#troyler chapter 7

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Tylers phone vibrated against my leg, and I reached for it.

He had gotten a message from Alfie.

Alfie-mate, theres a pic of you and Troye all over twitter, #troyler is trending....you should check it out xx

"Shit! Tyler! Check your twitter apparently theres a pic of us..?"

His face looked worried. I leaned over his shoulder watching as he opened twitter.

It was insane!

His notifications where going bazzerk and everyone was tweeting about troyler.

Then he found a tweet with the picture and as it loaded he chewed his lip nervously.

It was a pic of us kissing outside the resteraunt earlier, god our fans are quick!

"It's kinda quite actually..." tyler giggled, but i couldnt suppress the sinking feeling in my stomach. I sighed heavily and Tyler wrapped his arms around me.

"What are you gonna do?"

"The only thing I can do."

I got up and held a hand to help him up, once in the car again I said, to Tyler and myself...

"Im going to post my coming out video."

Tyler looked over at me checked that I was serious, then gently kissed my forehead. then we drove back to the youtubers house.


Everyone was so supportive and happy for Troye, his video was perfect and everyone accepted him just the way he was.

All the other youtubers had just left us alone when we arrived so we could uploaded the video. they didnt ask questions either, because they understand how difficult being so public is sometimes.

But now as we walked down to the living room for pizza with the others, i felt we should explain everything to them.

I grabbed Troye's delicate hand and squeeezed gently and he smiled, I think he understood my intention.

I sat down on the soffa leaving no room for Troye. he stood confused for a while until I pulled him down onto my lap.

"Guys, we need to explain to you.." i started to explain. But everyone started laughing at me.

"Tyler, really you're shit at keeping secrets you know that, and anyway it was kinda obvious that something was going on between you an Troye!" jack said.

"No kidding! especially with that picture of you kissing!" marcus exclaimed.

"That was so cute by the way, you're both so cute." zoe awed at us and we blushed.

The rest of the night was spent laughing, talking and cuddling. it was so nice that my friends were just so accepting and amazing!

"Right im leaving, i cant handle all this lurvee with zalfie and Troyler... anyone else have some secrets?!" Jack laughed and left. and soon after everyone else went to bed, and Troye and I were left alone again.

"Hi Troye.."

"Hi Tyler..."

"We're alone...."

"Hmm I guess we are, what should we do in such circumstances?"

"Oh i dont know...? kiss maybe?"

"Hmm that sounds nice, but maybe i want something more..."

"Well let me see what i can do hunny..."

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to my face, he licked his lips seductivley.

I pushed him back on the soffa, then ran up to my room, i heard him gasp then run after me.


Im sorry this is such a shitty chapter, but its been so long since i updated and i felt quilty so yeah.

Also i have THE WORST COLD EVER it sucks, and i have so much school work and shit. but i will try to update better soon dont worry, thanks for waiting bby. <3

Muchos gracias

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