#Troyler chapter8

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Tyler's POV

I woke up to the loveliest stawberry smell...hmm, Troye! i looked up slowly and saw that he was sleeping. We were huddled together in a tight embrace. I shivered, realising there was a draft on my bum.

Shocked i looked down to see my bare bum on full display. I quickly grabbed the duvet cover from Troye and pulled it over myself. But not before noticing Troye's naked body also on full display.

I smiled to myself as the memories of last night came flooding back...

(Last night)

Troye looked at me with big eyes, and reminded me of an innocent child. Our naked bodies were hot and sweaty. I laid on top of him as we kissed passionately and he massaged my lower back.

He was so sexy, I wanted him right now. I didnt care about all the complications all i knew was that I loved this sweet aussie boy more than anything.

Troye's POV

Our passionate naked kissing was heating up and I couldnt help feeling very excited and nervous about where this was going.

But I lost myself in Tyler's soft lips, and his tounge tracing my lips, neck, chest...

I gasped suddenly as I felt Tyler stick a finger where the sun dont shine. This was new to me, and was defo and odd experience.

"Relax, Troye baby. Im getting you ready so it wont hurt as much."

"It'll hurt?!" i suddenly felt very scared.

"Of course, but only at the start, then i'll make you feel so good, you'll be begging me for more, I promise..."

"It's my first time."

"Dont be embarassed! i love that about you, I love you Troye... Trust me."

He placed delicate kisses all over my body and made me crave his love, I didnt care about the pain, I wanted him in me so bad.

"I-I trust you...I love you too."

Tyler's POV


I kissed Troye's chest gently. God I loved this boy.


I looked up, and saw the most beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. he had a small grin and he was playing with my lilac hair.

"Morning..." I suddenly felt very shy, which was not like me AT ALL.

"Tyler. are you...blushing?! You! awh i have that effect on you."

"Hush Troye. Im queen when it comes to flirting. Im not blushing, im...remembering what happened last night."

"Ahh. So how many times DID you climax? I lost count by the end."

I gasped! that cheeky motherfuc-



We both said in unison. then burst out laughing.

I rushed to get a towel and threw some pants to Troye, then opened the door.

"Jooooeyyy!!! HEY BOO I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN AGES! Embrace me, come."

I grabbed him and we hugged. Joey walked and sat on the bed next to Troye whilst I closed the door behind us.

Troye's POV

"how are you?" I awkwardly hugged Joey on the bed.

"Um, are you guys together? I mean, its just-"

I looked over at Tyler and smirked.

"Haha oops were caught..." Tyler grinned at me and leaned over and sat next to me. i kissed his cheek gently.

"Awh, Im so happy for you guys! But um what about Sawyer, Tyler?" he looked worried.

"What do you mean?" I looked confusedly at Tyler and he looked as confused as me.

"Well, I thought there was something going on between you...?"

"What no!!" I pulled away slightly from Tyler, I needed time to think about this. I knew this was to good to be true.

"No! Troye, seriously there has never been anything! Sawyer's straight as fuck." He looked pleadingly at me.

"Actually, Tyler he's not..."

"What do you mean?"

"I- I...We made out. But he didnt want to be with me because he didnt want to cheat on you. Right?"

"No! not right. what the fuck? I need to speak to Sawyer now. He cant go messing things up for me."

"So you're saying he lied so he wouldnt be with me."

"What? oh Joey...I didnt realise..."

I had blocked them out long ago. Even though I trusted that Tyler would have told me, I couldnt shake the feeling that things were going to be rough for us for a while...

I suddenly felt very dizzy and hot.

I looked at my hand and it was shaking bad, then the room started spinning.


I know this is late updating (IM SORRY DONT KILL ME) writers block you see? hm yeah sorry.

BUT i think I know which direction this is going now so thumbs up!

Any comments will be a help and please feel free to leave suggestions for the characters or summin'

Love y'all. (im not southern, idk why i did that.) what is life.

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