#troyler chapter 11

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Troye's POV.

I had never felt so alone, walking through the crowded airport in LA.

Trying to find my check-in desk, I almost missed that distinct lilac quif.

But I couldnt bear really looking incase it wasnt him, and I would have to feel the heartbreak all over again.

Tyler's POV.

I was searching for Troye in this insanely crowded airport and I frantically pushed through people, worried that I might have missed him, when I saw him.

His beautiful blue eyes looked drained and sad, and his hands were shaking a little as he turned away from my direction.

I walked up to him and hugged him from behind.

I had missed feeling his warmth against my body. our bodies fitted perfectly together.

He turned around, to face me, tears in his eyes.

"Im sorry Im ruining our relationship by going home."

"We could make it work, long-distance I mean, It doesnt have to be over."

He sighed and nodded, but we both new that long distance relationships never really work out. especially with it being completely different continents and timezones.

" Here, take this." i handed him an envelope and a small blue ribboned box.

"What is it?" he asked, suprised.

"Open it on the plane okay. promise me."
"I will." he smiled and we kissed gently. I could taste the saltiness from his tears on his lips and I couldnt help crying too.

"Goodbye Tilly."

"Goodbye Troye."

I watched him walk away, and waved at him with a smile though inside, my heart was breaking seeing my love slip away like that.


"We are expecting a bit of turbulance within the hour, but otherwise we should be arriving Sydney in approximately 4 hours. We hope the rest of the journey will be pleasant for you."

The announcement had jolted me awake. I must have been asleep for about 2 hours.

I looked out of the window, luckily I managed to get a window seat, and watched the sun rise over clouds in the ditance.

Suddenly I remembered the envelope and box Tyler had given me.

I reached in my backpack and got them out.

I just stared at then for a while, feeling the fabric of the blue ribbon between my fingers.

I decided to open the envelope first. as i ripped it open I felt really nervous.

"My love, Troye.

I wanted you to know that I've been thinking, a lot, about us, you, everything.

When you where in the hospital I felt empty, without you by myside everyday.

I missed the feeling of waking up with you asleep on my chest and the way our bodies fit together perfectly.

It was then that I realised I couldnt go on with out you. Either Im with you or Im not Troye. I understand that you have family in another continent but I cant go on with us being apart.

That's why I'm going to move to Australia.

I want us to live together. You are my one and only Troye.

Sure it want be easy, and I need to figure out my visa and shit, but I promise you, Someday we will have a house of our own, and wake up together every morning for the rest of our lives.

You see Troye, I want to be with you forever. You are my soulmate, my baby, my ONLY true love.

And that's why...

(Shit Im shaking so bad right now. sorry for my awful writing but)

Open the box."

I took a deep breath and opened the box slowly. I gasped as I saw what was inside.

A beautiful silver ring and a key underneath it.

I picked the ring up and traced its outline, then I realised it was engraved.

It said "I love you - Tilly x"

A single tear fell from my eye.

I put the ring on my finger and it fitted perfectly.

I was hypnotized by it, it was so simple yet elegant.

Then I looked closer at the ring, and noticed it had and engravement too... It said #Troyler.

I looked at the letter again.

"Troye, if you STILL dont understand what im trying to say Ill explain it to you sinply.

I want to marry you.
That is you'r engement ring.
I hope you're saying yes in you'r head.
The key is to my house, because until I can move down under, my house is yours.
I love you, so much.
I hope you'll come back for me one day, and if not I will come for you.

See you soon, my love.

Tilly xxx"

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