#Troyler chapter 9

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Tyler's POV

Troye suddenly fell limp onto my thigh.

I laughed and Joey looked slightly uncomfortable at us.

"Troye! not now haha!...Troye?"

He didnt move. i started to get worried.

"Is he okay?! Oh gosh!"

We laid him back and he was out cold. Then he started shaking, slowly at first then violent tremors through his whole body.

"He's fitting! OH GOD What do we do?!!" I started sobbing violently.

Out of nowhere Joey slapped me. Then started to turn Troye on his side so he wouldnt choke.

"Tyler! Phone an ambulance dont just stand there doing nothing HELP!!"

I snapped out of it and phoned 911.

Then Louis, Zoe, Alfie, Marcus, Louise and Jack piled into the room. They all stared in shock, the Louis and Jack went to help Joey. They knew first aid.

I felt numb staring at my beautiful boyfriend in this state. I-I I felt lost.

I vaguely remember Zoe and Louise hugging me, then the ambulance arrived and the paramedics stopped Troye fitting, then carried him into the ambulance. Joey helped me onto the ambulance and held onto me the whole journey.

I had been waiting in the visitors room with everyone for 2 hours, my eyes had been dried out from all my tears.

"Troye Sivan's family?"

I jumped up and ran to the doctor.

"I-Im his Boyfriend. his family are in Australia." I felt selfish because we all forgot to phone them

"Well, I quess you should come see him then." he smiled kindly and led me to Troye's room.

As I entered I saw him in the clinical bed with loads of tubes coming from his nose and arms and he looked so pale and fragile.

"Hey hunny." he smirked, but I broke down. I ran to his side and held his hand so tightly for fear of having to let go.

"Oh god Troye, you scared me so bad! I thought I lost you." I started sobbing again. And he hugged me.

"Hey! you're supposed to be the one comforting me you nerd!"

I laughed and wiped my eyes. It was then that I realised what I had to do...

"So what was wrong? It wasnt my loving that sent you over the edge?" I whispered in his ear, feeling slightly better now I knew Troye was okay.

"HA-HA. mm yes, but actually its my disease."

I looked up confused at him.

"You know, the reason im a skinny ass white boy with bendy bones."

"Eww! you make yourself sound disgusting."

"What, you mean Im not disgusting?"

I gave him the look, the look that says "shut up you totally know how beautiful you are."

"So you're okay then?"


I shook my head with a grin. This bitch got me head over heels.

Troye's POV

"Okay, I love you, yeah, okay Bye!" I finally put the phone down after a 2 hour facetime with my family.

I felt knackered after all that happened today.

All the youtube crew were coming to see me next, which I didnt mind because they were all like family, but all I really wanted was to cuddle with Tyler. Oh well.

They all piled in; jack,finn,louise,zoe,joe,louis,alfie,marcus,caspar,and joey followed by sawyer.


Tyler stiffened next to me.

Joey came over to me and hugged me.

"Im glad you're okay. You had me worried for a second boy! SHOOT!"

I laughed. Then I heard Tyler shouting at Sawyer.

"It's you'r fucking fault. you messed everything up! Everytime Im happy you stick you'r fucking nose in and ruin things for me. well this time I've had enough. Here's to almost, and only ALMOST, ruining things between Troye and I."

I was so shocked by what happened next. Tyler punched Sawyer. Straight in the face and blood sprayed everywhere.

Then Sawyer tackled Tyler to the floor and fist were flying.

"You fucking bitch! You knew I liked you! You played me so bad then slapped me in the face with Nat, and now Troye. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!"

"I DIDNT KNOW SHIT! You were straight! you are straight! Im not YOURS Sawyer, I never have been."

"FUCK THIS!" He started punching Tyler so hard that he blacked out, and he kept going.

No one did anything. why werent they stopping them?! I needed him to stop hurting my baby.

"STOP THIS!" I Shouted but my voice cracked and i broke down. Joey rushed to my side, followed by the girls. Louis and Jack finally pulled Sawyer away, and Marcus called for a doctor for Tyler.

So much drama. I couldnt deal.

I cant even, as Tyler would say. Tyler, Oh.

I cried my eyes out in Joey's shoulder.

I just wanted this day to be over.


... Im sorry! I legit almost cried writing this, just thinking about this happening in real life.

I'll try to update during the week, its hard though cause school, and life and everything.

But, yeah, hope you enjoyed-ish? Mehehehe EVIL LAUGH.

:) :) :) :) :)

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