There Will Be Times

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Disclaimer: I'm only writing this as I haven't seen any post like these. I haven't seen any support us writers need. Just a little reminder not to take us writers for granted. I'm not condemning any other art forms.

There will be times you'll scrunch up that paper and throw it in the bin, feeling a deep sense of disgust towards yourself. You think that piece of writing was utter bullshit.

There will be times you'll discard an entire 3k long chapter, not because you didn't work for it, but because you worked your ass off to write that chapter to please yourself and your readers just to turn out that the writing is shit.

There will be times you'll show a piece you wrote with such enthusiasm and expectations that your parents/ loved ones will like it, only for them to ignore it.

There will be times people will be disappointed in what you've written, just because they can't see your view point.

There will be times you'll get such negative remarks that you'll feel like giving up writing and become a regular un interesting school child with no ambition and dreams.

There will be times you'll end up pouring your heart and soul into that piece of writing, only for it to get not noticed like it should, and you take it down.

There will be times where your family won't understand your love for writing. They won't see this as an art. They won't support you. (Someone else comes up saying that he's writing a book and everybody supports him and not you.)

There will be times you'll look at other famous writers and their hits and their story and feel like to take all of your writings down 'cause you're just so bad at it. (Please don't.)

There will be times like these. Times to tear you apart. It will come.

But remember this, my friend.

You have a unique style; a gift. Your own talent. To weave up emotions and a world just by using those 26 alphabets known. You paint a world with white and black.

You're important. Your writing is important. What you've written is unique in itself.

It looks boring to you as you've written it. You've read it for at least fifty times. For others, it's new.

There are people who will eventually accept it, support you through your love for writing. This time will come, my friend.

Don't lose hope. Keep writing. Consult with other writers to feel better. It'll take time, but it'll happen. You'll be recognised for what you love.

Don't let anyone put you down for doing what you do.

Keep writing. Use it as your escape. That helps.

Keep writing, my friend. You're just as important.

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