Chapter 6: Revenge (Part 1)

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Chapter 6: Revenge (Part I)

"I'm known to go a little too fast." Can We Dance by The Vamps.


Lexie's POV

As I walked to the cafeteria, I glanced around to look at which table to sit at. All the populars sat in the middle, with the sluts next to the. Then the other tables were scattered around and the nerds were stuffed in one corner.

I skimmed over a table that looked like it didn't have a name, and walked over.

"Hey guys," I said. " Can I sit here?"

"Sure!" One of the girls said. "My name's Evie."





"Nice." I said, plonking myself down into a seat. "I'm Lexie."

Then I frowned, realising I had never actually seen them before. "You guys new here?"

"Yepp," Luke said. "Except for Evie and Alfie. They're twins."

"Cool." I answered. I quickly skimmed the canteen, hoping to spot Zoe. Just when I was about to give up, I spotted her thick, blonde hair.

"Zoe!" I yelled and waved. She waved back shyly, and walked over.

"Hiya." she said shyly. "Heyy."

After we introduced ourselves again, we got to know each other a bit better. Alfie and Evie are twins and Megan is Evie's bestfriend, and Luke and Ryder are both Alfie's friends. All the boys were all on a sports team- Rhyder was Captain of the Basket Squad and Alfie and Luke are both on the Football Team. And I ship Meke. Megan and Luke! So cute!

As the bell was about to go, and as we began to leave, a boy walked up to us?

"What do you want Walker?" Rhyder hissed at him. Uh-oh.

The boy just smirked and turned away from him to... face me.

"Wow Lexie, you've changed quite a bit huh?" He said. O-kay...

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"Ugh... I was just wondering... Ifmaybeyouwantedtohangoutafterschool?" He asked in one breath nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Err..." I said, trying to decode what he was trying to say to me.

But somebody had already answered for me. "NO!" Rhyder, Alfie and Luke said at the same time. I gave them a confused look, but they were all glaring at the mysterious boy.

"Say that again?" I asked

"Err... I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school?" He repeated.

I frowned. Wasn't that a bit quick. I didn't even know his name.

He chuckled. "It's Dean." Okay... and he's physic too...

"No, you just said that out loud." Dean told me. I blushed then looked away.

"Soo... you want to hang out?" He asked akwardly.

"Yeah, sure why not," I said, flashing him a grin.

He grinned back, then we swapped phone numbers, and he walked away whistling.

"WHAT THE HELL???" Rhyder, Luke, Alfie, Evie and Megan all yelled at me.

I looked at them confusedly.


Alfie shook his head. "You do know that he is THE Dean Walker? One of Logan's best friends who bullied him!" He burst out. "Not to mention he's like THE BIGGEST PLAYER EVER! And he probably just wants to get in your pants." He added irrelevantly.

I hit him on the head, but then an idea formed in my head. A very evil idea.

Megan glanced at me, studied the look on my face. "What?"


We both cracked up, high-fived each other, then ran to class discussing what I was going to wear tonight...


A/N I sorry this is so short! I'm really busy with school work, and other stuff. I'll try and update again later in the week and write Part 2, but no promises!

Listen to the song! If you haven't heard it before, you are seriously depressed.



Karen x

PS If you want to design a banner or something, please do! My book seems so boring! Please email it to me:

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